The sinister Slumber Slaughterer is an Urban Legend originally hailing from early Yazoo City, Mississippi. Sometime in 1972 a twentysomething cotton mill worker named Elmer Ray Beesley claimed he was contacted by the infamous ghost of the Yazoo City Witch. The wayward witch is thought to have been the cause of a devastating May 25, 1904 fire that took out half the town! Apparently Elmer had been taking a stroll through the Glenwood Cemetery in Yazoo when he happened upon the witches haunted grave. He dared to walk on it as he felt a surge of metaphysical energy fly through him. There she spoke to Elmer telling him it was time to no longer keep his murderous urges bottled up. A violent rage that stemmed from an unstable childhood that involved abusive alcoholic parents. He hid under his bed during their ferocious arguments that often involved each of them taunting the other by bringing their respective lovers home. Needless to say Elmer’s childhood was strewn with sleepless stressful nights. At the age of 8 his parents ended up literally murdering each other during a violent struggle. This ended up knocking a candle over which started the house on fire. Elmer was left with some bodily disfigurement due to the burns. This prompted him to grow his hair long in order to hide the burnt left side of his face. Read The Rest Of This Short Story On Our Halloween Blog…
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Well this is terrifying. What level are his Physical Feats at? Is he in the same category as Michael Myers is?
The Slumber Slaughterer probably has an edge over Michael Myers due to being allied with the dark ghost of the Yazoo Witch. The dark spiritual energies he gains from her grants him more power.
Are there any mainstream media accounts of his murders (not him in particular).