Summon A Leprechaun Spell

How To Manifest The Summoning Of A Leprechaun

These summoning spells are mainly for dangers related to Clurichauns, aka evil Leprechauns. However, you can replace that word with other entities of evil. Especially other somewhat related little creatures such as Gnomes, Elves, and even Goblins. You can also use it for Werewolves chasing you during the Full March Moon. Ideally, the summoning will be most successful during the days and even weeks surrounding Saint Patrick’s Day. The apex of the magic is on the day itself.

Oh, Leprechaun Leprechaun I humbly call unto thee,
Ride the Irish rainbows of joy across the deep green sea,
Let the way be lit with the beacon of your Shillelagh,
In dire peril of lousy luck, I make this plea,
For a Clurichaun’s evil has struck at me,
In the name of Saint Patrick, I beckon thee,
With Shamrocks laden about with glee,
Oh, Leprechaun Leprechaun please appear at my knee!

A Shorter Version If Danger Is Imminent:

Oh, Leprechaun Leprechaun I call unto thee,
Ride the rainbows of joy across the deep green sea,
I cry forth in dire peril of bad luck,
For a Clurichaun’s evil has struck,
Oh, Leprechaun Leprechaun appear for me!

The short version isn’t guaranteed to work so only use it if a violent Clurichaun or other supernatural attack is in progress. Otherwise, it is best to use the first summoning spell.  Feelings of terror help when using the shorter version.  Clearly, this shouldn’t be an issue if a rage-filled evil Leprechaun is upon you!  If you don’t have time to say the entire spell then recite as much as you can, and then scream “Please Help Me Lucky Leprechaun!”  The urgency of your cries may be heard across the deep green seas on the mystic shores of Ireland.  This spell may work in other situations.  Although, don’t expect the Leprechaun to physically manifest.  Instead, he may only be there in spirit letting loose a bit of good luck to aid you in your particular plight.

Clurichaun If this spell otherwise works without any evil present, then you will end up summoning an angry Leprechaun who will feel he’s been fooled. Such actions can actually attract a Clurichaun to you later on in life.  Holding a real four-leaf clover in your right hand, and having shamrocks laden about the floor around you with gleeful thoughts in your mind will guarantee the success of this spell.  If successful you should witness a rainbow arc appear from above landing near your left knee.  You will then witness a Leprechaun sliding down it with a jolly smile on his face.  Once he appears just direct him to the Clurichaun, and duck for cover as the battle of lucky magic ensues.  Once the Leprechaun has defeated the Dark Leprechaun, he will ask you to do one good deed as thanks.  We urge you to comply as it will neutralize any bad luck you’ve already received from the Clurichaun, and it’s always a sound move to have a Leprechaun look upon you with approval!  May the luck of the Irish be with you!🍀

Rainbow CloudsIn addition, the spell has a toe hold into Enochian magic by calling upon the Angel Saint Patrick.  However, it remains Celtic since the Enochian language is not used, and Saint Patrick has chosen to cross religious lines as it were by embracing the Leprechaun people. This is his role in the position as patron Saint of Ireland. ☘️
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