Ancient practitioners of magic discovered a rare race of Immortal Groundhogs that foretold of whether the harsh winter would continue for six weeks or spring would come earlier than usual. If the mystical groundhogs saw their shadows on February 2nd then they’d be scared, and scurry back in their underground homes which meant more winter. If they saw no shadow then the relief of spring would be upon all very soon. February 2nd was chosen since it was the day after the Pagan celebration of Imbolc. This is the celebration of the halfway mark between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. People in ancient times were eager to see the first embers of spring after the dark depressing winter with food running low.
Groundhogs: The Messengers Of Mother Nature
These little furry wonders gave people hope but also worry if the long winter was to continue. However most never took it out on these little innocent messengers of Mother Nature, and her subordinate deities. All they could do was use the information to prepare for the longer lack of a growing season or begin to engage the sainted soils in producing prolific crops. These seasonal nature deities had their own reasons for continuing the winter season or shortening it. It’s said that Winter Gods dominating an area would cause the Sun to manifest while Spring deities would cause clouds to form.
Ultimately Mother Earth Goddess Gaia directs these dietes mostly at a subconscious level to maintain planetary balance. Nature Deities utilize the Groundhogs to deliver their metaphysical message to humankind. This link supports further evidence that these Immortal Groundhogs were a creation of the Earthly Gods and Goddesses outside the naturally programmed evolution process. Some theorize they were originally pets for Nymphs and Fairies before humans existed.
Punxsutawney Phil
The special Groundhogs, such as Punxsutawney Phil, are immortal due to ingesting a rare pink flowering herb known as a Ground Hogis. The herb only grows in isolated paranormal hot spots on Earth. The same places the heavenly hogs originally were found in. Unfortunately for reasons unknown, the fantastical flower only works on Groundhogs. With humankind populating the Earth and wiping out ecosystems, various wizards took matters into their own hands.
They brought the groundhogs under their care along with the herbs which they grow in secret. Herbs that become the infamous groundhog elixir of immortality. These Inner Circles of Groundhog Wizards protect our sainted hoggy resources for us all to enjoy and learn from. When not fed the flower for a long time the groundhogs go into a frozen hibernating state until the herb is placed into their mouths. It’s said the enchanted environment is negatively affected when these Groundhogs aren’t active.🦔
Groundhog Day Motion Picture
The 1993 movie Groundhog Day is based on a true story. Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania lies on a temporal vortex slightly out of phase with our reality. Every Groundhog Day the collective consciousness of the immortal groundhogs interacts with the vexing vortex and the greater Spirit Of Groundhog Day created by the Human Collective Consciousness. This perplexing paranormal process serves up a supernatural soup connecting to one human soul in the general vicinity of the town. It’s often a traveler who has issues with their life.
They end up in a time loop that could theoretically last forever! They relive February 2nd even if they die. Anything they do that day is reset as if it never happened. Only The Spirit Of Valentine’s Day is able to rip them out of the loop. They must find true love to break the temporal nightmare. That can be difficult since they can’t leave the time vortex. Once they get too far away from Punxsutawney they feel a painful force compelling them to go back. Thankfully, Cupids are aware of what is happening and usually send a soulmate or someone close enough to that in order to make the temporal breaking love connection.💘
🚨Supernatural Ground Hog Day Alerts