
The Biblical story of The Garden Of Eden was passed down through countless generations and lost many of the astounding details. In reality, Eden was an advanced ancient civilization that existed more than 144,000 years ago. It was a supernatural society 100% in tune with Mother Nature. Deities of Nature under the direction of Goddess Gaia took a primitive human species and introduced enchanted elements within their DNA to create Alpha Humans. The first of these enhanced immortal superhumans was the infamous Adam and Eve. They eventually became the King and Queen of Eden.

Eden had amazing technology merged with metaphysical magic and direct interaction with the Earthly Gods and Goddesses. The paradise utopia flourished and spread over most of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa before the Devil entered the scene. He took physical form to manipulate the already impatient Adam and Eve who didn’t want to wait for Goddess Gaia’s 1000-year plan for humankind to ascend to Godhood. Satan convinced them they could become instant Gods by eating from The Tree Of Knowledge.

The tree bore fruit forbidden to be eaten by anyone under the command of Goddess Gaia Mother Earth. She, in turn, was following the wishes of her Father, The Omniverse Lord. He’s the one referred to in the Bible. Although at the time he had put his consciousness into a lower Hebrew God form and purposely forgot his higher dimensional roots. The technological tree and its fantastic fruit were directly linked to the brain of the Goddess through her spirit along with a link to the Heavenly Akashic Records. Humans weren’t ready for such powerful information.

Adam and Eve ate the fruit, which instantly downloaded digital data in the range of a Yottabyte! This damaging data not only entered the physical brain but spiritually into the human soul as well. It corrupted them physically, emotionally, and spiritually as they foolishly rallied other humans to revolt against the benevolent Nature Deities. These humans ate the forbidden fruit as well.

Within the mayhem that ensued, the first murder occurred when Eve’s Son Cain killed her other Son Abel who chose not to revolt. Mother Earth cast Adam, Eve, and their conspirators from Eden. The humans who didn’t revolt were rewarded with instant Nature Deity status. Abel became the first human soul to enter Heaven. Mother Nature took back civilization until it became nothing but a lush garden. A small supernatural garden still exists hidden in the Middle East with a paranormal portal to The Paradise Plane. The Garden is under a cloaked spell and is only visible to righteous humans. Humanity would eventually rise again. This time on its own with the technologically advanced civilization of Lemuria some 70,000 years ago.

Every Alpha-Human except Adam, Eve, and Cain died within 1000 years. The First Couple retained their immortal status as original Humans directly created by Goddess Gaia. Possibly even Amortal. This means not only do they never age but even if they’re killed, they will reanimate. Gaia and the Omniverse Lord cursed Cain as well to be Amortal. However, his curse was more extensive, and he would walk the Earth for all eternity, never seeing an end to his biological life! He still walks among us, with the Angel Abel often visiting to remind him of his status as the first criminal and killer!

After several hundreds of years, Adam and Eve went their separate ways as they grew apart. Both were regretful of their acts as the forbidden fruit’s effects wore off. They repented and begged both Mother Earth and the Omniverse God for forgiveness. Adam and Eve both found redemption. Adam ascended to Heaven without actually dying. He simply vanished at the age of 930 years old. Despite being a Heavenly Angel and Saint, he returns every so often to live among Humans for a time before returning to higher planes of existence. His wife Eve chose to become a Goddess and live with her Mother Gaia in the Paradise Plane. He sometimes meets up with his former wife Eve and they live together for a time, rekindling the first love of humanity.🤵‍♂️👰‍♂️