Yes, Santa Claus has indeed met Jesus Christ, the first son of the Omniverse God, on several occasions. This includes the one time Santa was in Heaven upon his death at the hands of the Anti-Claus on December 6th, 343 AD. While in Heaven he was able to witness Christ in his complete magnificent metaphysical form. Although, that wasn’t the first time he met the most famous Demigod and Vice-Lord of the Omniverse. Despite being born almost 235 years after the death of Christ, Santa was able to meet Jesus via time travel. As a Demi-Angel, Santa, or Nicholas at the time, accidentally stumbled upon his developing chronokinetic powers at age 16. He spontaneously traveled fifteen minutes back in time to meet himself. Naturally 15 minutes before that happened he was shocked to meet his future self.
The Miracle Of Time Travel Grants Santa His First Meeting With Jesus!
The Apostle Saint Nicholas
Santa Claus Witnesses The Death Of Jesus Christ
Finally, at age 32 Santa went back to witness the Crucifixion of the Lord’s son. When speaking of this he begins to weep, and says it was the most horrific thing he ever saw! Santa openly admits he actually went back a bit earlier in an effort to save Jesus from the Romans. However, Jesus himself implored Santa to let history take its predestined course. In reality, Christ knew the Romans weren’t the real threat but a mysterious force from beyond the Omniverse who had a vendetta with his Father. They are the ones who weakened Jesus so the Romans could murder him! Had Santa tried to intervene he might have been wiped from the very face of the Earth before Christmas ever truly got started!
Faith Is Easy When One Actually Sees The Resurrection Of Lord Christ!
At age 33 Saint Nicholas visited Jesus at the time of his Resurrection, and ascension to Heaven. He communed with Christ while prolific wisdom and extraordinary knowledge were passed on to Saint Nicholas. Interestingly enough, he met the Easter Bunny for the first time since the little fella did some time-traveling of his own to meet Jesus. From the Easter Bunny’s viewpoint, he would actually meet Santa for the first time hundreds of years in the future. This was Santa’s final time travel expedition until after his own death and resurrection at the age of 73. Until then he vowed to rely mostly on the power of prayer and faith in the Holy Lord to perform miracles. Living as a human for a natural lifespan is a Demi-Angel rite of passage before immortality.
Temporal Pollution Necessitates An End To Time Travel
Prayers Directly Answered By Jesus!
Santa Claus is one of the few people on Earth who can pray to Jesus Christ and actually get a spoken reply. Although he keeps the direct prayers to Jesus minimal so as not to annoy him. Plausibly the Vice-Lord Christ gets trillions of prayers from Parallel Universes and Multiverses within the greater Omniverse! Most of Saint Nicholas’s prayers are the equivalent of a rhetorical question so no direct reply is required. Santa also gets the treat of Jesus being his Santa on Christmas. The Holy Christ leaves a gift for Santa under his Christmas tree in Claus Manor. Santa’s perpetually young kids, Nicholas and Mary, always try to wait up to see Jesus come down the chimney. Unfortunately, they always mysteriously fall asleep!
That Time God Himself Responded To Santa’s Holy Prayer!
The Return Of Jesus Christ
Santa eagerly awaits the return of Jesus Christ at the conclusion of Armageddon. Although, he makes a point of inviting him to Christmas, and Easter dinners every so often in the hopes of him taking biological form. In his eyes, it would be the highest honor, and most beloved guest to have second only to God himself. It’s rumored Jesus Christ will appear at Santa’s Christmas dinner in a spiritual form not long before the final battle of Armageddon.
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Young Santa Claus

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