An Autumn Nymph is a low-level nature deity whose considered a localized Sub-Goddess of the Autumn season. Nymphs dwell upon the Earth as an invisible or ghostly metaphysical energy spirit. However, sometimes they may manifest in a physical human-like form to truly bond with nature, or interact with special humans. They exist physically more often in the Paradise Plane that is out of phase without our reality. Often a whirlwind of fall foliage is seen before the manifestation of these alluring Autumn Angels. She is the conscious personification of the Fall season who is responsible for directing Autumn in any given region assigned to her by the higher level Earthly Gods & Goddesses. Generally, Fall Nymphs work under the guidance of a full-fledged Autumn God or Goddess. In turn, they work for Earth’s Fall Goddess known as Autumna. Although first, and foremost they feel a mystical bond with Mother Earth Goddess Gaia.
An Autumn Nymph is a creative artistic free spirit who uses nature as her canvas. She loves painting a kaleidoscope of colors across foliage flowing about the lovely landscape. The nature nymph enjoys directing iridescent leaves to gracefully flutter down through the sunlight in all manner of patterns. Those who become mesmerized by particularly mystical looking leaf events can be relatively certain that an Autumn Nymph is in the vicinity. Witches and other practitioners of magic that may call upon a Fall Spirit know such venues are the best place to practice their magic as the prime Autumn holiday of Halloween approaches. Some Autumnal spirits even get the privilege of personally serving Shala, The Queen Of Halloween. As the only known Angel-Demon Hybrid, she is the quintessence of the balance between Summer, and Winter that Autumn represents. Under her direction, with the permission of higher Goddesses, a lucky Nymph may find herself as a temporary Halloween Nymph!
The Autumnal Duties Of A Fall Deity
The Autumn Nymph also directs a variety of nature nymphs, and fairies including her fellow sister nymphs of the wind to blow the fantastic flora about the ground creating a symphony of rustling sounds, and pretty patterns for humans to enjoy. These localized Goddesses of Autumn will speak to the animals via zoopathic powers and tell them it’s time to prepare for the coming snow and ice. The Nymph may aid young animals facing the coming cold, and potentially harsh weather for the first time. She also works with winter, and summer nymphs to create a magical mix of weather conditions as the transition from summer to winter takes place. With the aid of her sisters of nature, she creates Indian Summer as a final farewell to the season of warmth that gives way to first frosts that beckon forth winter. The Autumn Spirit also takes on the responsibility of the harvest bringing Mother Nature, and human crops to maximum maturity. Even before the Autumn Equinox Autumn Goddesses are contacting Moon Goddesses to provide a bright Harvest Moon so farmers can work in the fields at night.
How Are Autumn Nymphs Born?
Autumn Nymphs can come into existence through the collective consciousness of Gods and humans. They can also be the children of other nymphs, or Gods along with Fall Fairies promoted to Autumn Nymph status. These Autumnal deities may also be supernatural beings who died, and their afterlife is to exist as spirits on Earth. In addition, sometimes human beings who have a deep love for autumn can become beautiful autumn goddesses. Many times these include witches and those who commune with the serene souls of nature. In essence, skipping the normal human Afterlife in Heaven. Although after many thousands of years they sometimes choose to move on to the great higher dimensional beyond!
Human Interaction With Fall Nymphs
All Nymphs are amorous free spirits by nature and will take physical biological form if they see a human they find interesting. If you find yourself being seduced by an extremely exquisite looking enchantress who has decorated herself with nothing but colorful leaves then she may very well be an alluring Autumn Nymph. These gentle creatures are harmless, and you can feel free to indulge yourself without worry of supernatural repercussions. However be aware that a Nymph-Human Hybrid may come to life. Becoming a parent to a supernatural being is one way for humans to enter the wondrous immortal world of the paranormal! At the least, you will gain Immortality and access to the Paradise Plane!
Nymphs are ready for ascension to Godhood when they can create a Fairy out of thin air.
What Are Autumn Elves?
Elves are the tiny custodians of the environment scurrying about rapidly just out of view of prying human eyes. They clean up and fix things with glee! If you’ve ever wondered who the hell is piling up leaves in the woods, or the middle of nowhere, then an Autumn Elf is probably nearby with his little unbreakable wooden rake! If you find such a lil’ rake then odds are good the poor little fellow met his maker! Plausibly at the hands of a nasty Gnome! Gnomes are notorious for kicking and scattering the Elves leaf piles to kingdom come out of spite! Realistically thousands of trees shedding leaves everywhere annually would cause several feet of leaves even with a decent rate of decay. It is the Fall Elves who are maintaining Mother Nature’s yard! Look for their little shoe prints among squirrel and chipmunk tracks.
See Also: Autumn Equinox Nymph And Mabon Alert
Related Links: A Rare Few Autumn Nymphs Are Special Halloween Nymphs That Work For The Queen Goddess Of Halloween Shala