Despite what you may have read, our supernatural research has uncovered secret ancient Irish Celtic texts. They indicate that the Celtic Irish Goddess Brigid and the Christian Saint Brigid, an Irish Nun who ascended to Angelhood after her death, are in fact the same person. In addition, various high-level Wicca Priestesses, Witches, and psychics have verified this data and offered their unique information as well. It’s no coincidence that these supposedly two distinct women have their respective holidays of Imbolc (Celtic Spring), and Saint Brigid’s Day on February 1st. How can this be you say? We know that God, aka the God of our Omniverse (vast consciousness collection of Multiverses made up of Parallel Universes), did not have a hand in creating the world’s religions including Christianity. They are human-created from faith. However, the Demigod Jesus Christ, Angels, and Heaven do exist. In fact, most Angels are deceased humans since all good humans ascend to Angelhood, and eventually Godhood in the higher dimensions to start their own Omniverses.
Brigid, like all of us, was first born into Heaven as an Angelic soul. We describe it as an ascension to Angelhood after death because it’s easier to explain that way. Since Heaven exists outside of time it’s hard to say what came first. Our biological lives in the Parallel Universes or our Angel self in Heaven where we’re born with all those memories from day one. Brigid was first an Angel but also first a human depending on your viewpoint. For this article, we’ll say she was first a human born in 451 AD within this particular reality before she ascended to Angelhood upon her death in 525 AD at the age of 74. She was later elevated to Sainthood by the Christian religious establishment in several Parallel Universes. A Human appointed title accepted by the Heavenly Powers That Be in an almost democratic way. This Sainthood was a result of Brigid leading the holy life of a Nun dedicated to charity and chastity. Within her lifetime she performed various miracles that may have come from an ability to access the enchanted energy of her soul ripe with Godly Saint power.😇 Read The Rest Of The Article On Our Main Website…
I didn’t know this. Very interesting indeed. 🙂 I wonder if Brigid had children while she was here. Would her children also have her abilities?
We know she had a son named Ruadán who was most likely a God Angel Hybrid so he probably had roughly the same abilities.
That’s pretty cool. Their blood could still be in the world today!
Not only is being related to Jesus a possibilty but perhaps you’re related to Goddesses, and Angels?
For the sake of humanity I hope you’re right! I don’t know. All I know is I am here to defend the innocent. Against whatever it is threatening this planet. Drake I think of Vampires & Werewolves as humans. (Super humans.) 🙂 The aliens hopefully will give up their hopes on ever taking us over. It’s bad enough we have an evil immortal Dmitri trying to wreak havoc upon our world.
Julia are you a high-level psychic by now?