
Baphomet is a high-level Arch-Demon of Hell. Some believe he’s Satan’s firstborn son and the current Anti-Christ, who now walks our Earth ready to seize power some decades from now! Back in the day, the Devil mated with a dark nature deity to breed Baphomet’s first monstrous Earthly form. From there, he posed as a … Read more


A Demi-Angel is a Human-Angel Hybrid. It’s a Heavenly-sanctioned union with permission from the Archangel hierarchy. It’s said to have the blessing of God himself! It occurs within the rare scenario of a Human and Heavenly Angel full of grace being soulmates. They are allowed to mate in a holy non-physical way. Something akin to … Read more

The Goddess Of Autumn

The various nature deity pantheons of the Earth have a variety of Gods and Goddesses who preside over the Autumn Season. However, there is one that rules over the rest. She is the Goddess Autumna who was spontaneously born about 25 million years ago. She is the breed of God known as a Personifier. Something … Read more

Witch Slayers

Witch Slayers, or Witch Hunters, are supernatural specialists who hunt down those who practice witchcraft and other forms of magic. Sometimes they ironically use magic themselves to take down wayward witches. Most only go after those who practice the dark demonic magics while others go after every witch! The truly talented wield the power of … Read more

The True Tale Of Little Red Riding Hood

Although the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood was first made famous in the early 19th century by The Brothers Grimm, the true story happened long before that. In 10th century France a special young woman was taking food and supplies to her sickly grandmother. The Grandmother was stubborn and refused to leave her childhood home … Read more


The Smurfs television cartoons and movies are based on real supernatural beings of the same name. Smurfs are friendly creatures with elf and gnome-like features. However, they are far smaller and blue in color. Their mystical village of mushroom houses is hidden within a magical cloak deep in a Belgium forest. They don’t procreate but … Read more


Assuming Each Being Is At Their Peak Power In Adult Form. Results Can Vary Due To Many Factors. Magical Powers Not Counted Here. With The Right Magic Even Humans Can Take On Demigods. This Is A Chart To See How One Being Might Fare In A Purely Physical Fight With Another. In Order From Strongest … Read more

Humans: Animal-God Hybrids

At some point, the simian ancestors of humankind evolved a level of intelligence and emotional capacity that made them more than animals. Their biological frequency resonated with that of higher dimensional souls thus becoming one. This made them humans who would one day ascend to higher planes of existence to attain Godhood status both in … Read more


A Nephilim is the offspring of an unholy union between a Fallen Angel and a Human. The most famous of these Dark Angel-Human Hybrids are American Folklore legend Paul Bunyan and Goliath of Biblical fame. The Nephilim is the opposite of a Demi-Angel which is a holy Heaven-sanctioned union between an Angel and a Human. … Read more


The little people of Ireland known as Leprechauns are the premier purveyors of good luck on Earth! They evolved enchantingly from the Elf line of nature deities that served as the ground workers of the Gods. It’s said their evolution involves supernatural genetic mixing with Fairies who dabbled in Luck Manipulation. In ancient times they … Read more