There was a time many thousands of years ago when Vampires were able to enter anyone’s home uninvited and have their way with them. This caused great fear of sleeping at night among villagers in ancient Europe, Africa, and the Far East. Even when a community commissioned a Vampire Slayer to protect them, they could only cover so much territory at a time. The Native Americans were the first to deal with vampires by enchanting their teepees and wigwams against the intrusion of any supernatural entity. However, they also had the advantage of the mighty Sasquatch protecting them. These mighty creatures could sense and smell vampires from great distances. Some of the Natives also embraced the Werewolf curse and made it their own as further protection from the world of supernatural darkness. Certainly, a vampire would avoid an encampment with Bigfoot and sentient werewolves watching over everyone!🚪
The Fundamental Right To Be Supernaturally Safe In One’s Humble Abode
The Celtic Pagans, who birthed modern witchcraft, were the second to devise a method of protection from vampires. Individually, Covens from all around the British Isles, including Ireland, devised various protection spells that worked to varying degrees. Soon, they organized and created an extremely powerful unified spell that called upon the Goddesses and Gods to enchant homes all over the Isles. The spell dictated that a vampire must be invited into a person’s home, otherwise, it could not gain entry into a dwelling. Unfortunately, back then, it wasn’t easy to differentiate between private and public places. Other magical cultures around the world came up with similar protection spells. Although, without a unified global spell, there were gaps for vampires to take advantage of.
The Global Psychic Communications Network
Long before there were telecommunications or even mail-delivered letter communication between cultures, there were mystical psychic communications. Centuries before explorers knew about far-off lands, those in the ancient paranormal community knew they existed. If they told anyone about their visions of distant lands, they were generally laughed at or branded as being in league with the Devil! It was thought that traveling too far from home would lead someone to the edge of the flat Earth. Then they’d fall off into a void, or even into Hell itself! At some point in the past, all the various cultures of the world created a global paranormal psychic communications network. It was decided that a global vampire spell would be cast. It took all the world’s good magic to create the worldwide vampire invitation spell so innocent humans could rest easy and relax in a place of protection from deadly vampires. Naturally, religious dwellings and hallowed grounds were always safe havens from the heathens of hell.
The Unprecedented Cooperation Between Angels And Gods
The global spell called not only upon the Nature Deities but also the Angelic forces of Heaven as well. It’s one of the few times Angels and Earthly Gods worked together for the common good of humankind. The superior spell identifies a vampire’s demonic DNA at the outer walls of a home and sets up an invisible force field that denies them entry. Not even the most powerful vampire on Earth has been able to force their way through the bewitching barrier. In fact, not even the most powerful Sorcerer can break the force field around any home! It is a force cast into stone by the paranormal Powers That Be!
Why Not Just Ban Vampires Everywhere Without Any Choice?
You might ask why they just didn’t deny vampire entry no matter what the circumstances? The reason is that human free will is a powerful mystical force all its own, and it had to be addressed when casting the complicated grand spell. You also might be thinking, why not cast a spell to eradicate vampires from the Earth? Unfortunately, there are limits to what good magic can do because the forces of evil black magic always counter it. Naturally, the global paranormal communications network was open to anyone who knew magic, whether it be good or evil. They fought the forces of good with counter spells, so we’re lucky we at least have the vampire-invite spell. There is also a planetary and Universal requirement for a balance between light and darkness. Too much of either can cause destructive chaos or stagnation!
The Conditions Of A Vampire’s Entry Into A Home
Everywhere on Earth, a vampire may not enter a private residence without being invited in by a human who dwells within the home. This includes entire apartment buildings and the individual apartments themselves. In other words, vampires need a double invite to get to you. It’s one perk of renting an apartment. Once a vampire is invited in, they can’t be uninvited except through a powerful spell. It requires the vampire to be on the exact threshold of a doorway leading outside while various magics are employed along with the reading of a reset incantation. If by various magical means, a vampire finds themselves inside a home uninvited, they will feel the immense pressure of a magic shield, which ends up knocking them permanently unconscious. During this time, they can be perpetually stored away, staked, or dragged outside. If close to a wall, they may find themselves blasted through the nearest window or the wall itself! If every human residing in a home should die, then a vampire can enter uninvited. Vampires themselves take up residence in such places or any place abandoned by humans. They’ve also been known to purchase or build homes just like any human would do.
Public Places Aren’t Covered By The Vampire Protection Invite Spell
Thousands of years beyond the casting of the spell, we had businesses and public buildings forming that were in fact not homes. So vampires could enter without an invite. This allowed for vampires to mingle among humans more easily and have a life outside roaming about the woods and countryside. Over the years, there has been talk of casting another global spell to add all dwellings. However, in modern times, there is far less magic being practiced than there was in the ancient world. In addition, it takes great effort for good witches, wizards, and even sorcerers to hold the wicked witches, wayward wizards, sinister sorcerers, and warlocks at bay. Every so often, powerful vampires enlist their help to try and reverse the global invite spell. They also work to perpetuate other nefarious plots against humanity and the forces of supernatural good. Then there’s the fact that Armageddon technically began in 2013. With Nature Deities and Angels on opposing teams in this fight, it’s unlikely they’d come together at this late date!
Lack Of Supernatural Knowledge Poses A Great Danger For Modern Humans
One flaw in the spell is the fact that most modern humans wouldn’t have a clue if a vampire was at their door or not. In ancient times, many knew what to look for and were more in tune with nature. This gave them more of a sixth sense than most of us have in the 21st century. The ancients could simply sense evil more easily. They also had other forms of protection and repellents that made it rather obvious that a person was a vampire. The small communities of the old world were more likely to ask a stranger at their door if they were a vampire. Today, that might make you look rather nutty and embarrassing!
Don’t Be Embarrassed To Ask A Life And Death Question
Thankfully, vampires are required to reveal their true nature to humans who ask the question. Luckily, most people don’t invite complete strangers into their homes. However, if a vampire really wants inside, they could pose as a delivery and repair person. The tricky vamp might also simply get involved with your friends or family at an outside venue so they can gain credibility. Daytime might not be an issue, but anything is possible within the cloak of darkness! All we can say is that you must be vigilant and wary of all strangers, no matter what their credentials are. Don’t be afraid of looking foolish when you ask someone if they’re a vampire. Simply dismiss it as a joke if it doesn’t pan out. Enjoy the protection of the vampire invite spell, don’t take it for granted, and sleep easy at night knowing the blasphemous blood suckers can’t get to you!
The Future Holds More Freedom For Vampires And Their Reign Of Terror!
On a final note, the spell is confined to Earth, or at least we think so. Despite the rare occurrence of Angelic forces cooperating to cast the spell, the ancient texts only seem to indicate the entire planet and nothing beyond. There’s some evidence that the Moon might be included. Although, nobody had any concept that a human could travel to the Moon or live there someday. They certainly had no theory of outer space travel. So it’s very likely that vampires hundreds of years from now could terrorize people on space ships, and other planets throughout the Milky Way galaxy, and beyond! Hopefully, by then the world will be ready to know the truth about vampires and have technological protections against them.🧛♂️
[…] people know about the Global Invitation Spell that requires Vampires to be invited in ones home otherwise they are supernaturally denied […]
Does this also apply to Demi-Demons and Biology Demons?
[…] Why Can’t Vampires Enter A Home Without Being Invited … […]