March 13, 2025
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13 years ago

Id like to say something as a vampire. You cannot turn another human vampire. We are born this way. Werewolves however can turn a human. Also i deffinitly have a pulse you Moron. I’m not undead. There is a good chance a werewolf could infect a vampire although in most cases the two do not get along. I however have two werewolf friends so it is not a fact.

Selena jaay
10 years ago
Reply to  zallo03

I’d like to ask you something as a WITCH that You denied that a vampire can’t turn a human vampire? then how a human should become a vampire ???? & vampires can’t walk into sunlight but they do because of spells…is it true??? a werewolf bite could kill a vampire ???? is it true??? I think it’s not because vampires are highly magickal beings & more powerful than werewolves!!

13 years ago

Hello Admin and all. I respect everyone’s opinion’s. From this website I have learned allot! Thank you Admin. As for hybrids. I have asked questions already. I strongly believe there could become a new species of Vampire- Lycan. Perhaps those new breeds would make for a more peaceful existence. Between the Royals & Werewolves. For the peace of the innocent humans as well. Not to replace any other breed. Just a watch dog for the human race. Not such a bad idea. There are scales. They tip.. I believe there can not be light without dark. and vs versa. We all are as one! We can co-exist together in one place. I do have a great respect to the Royal Vampires. There knowledge is there greatest power! They deserve the respect! I am grateful. Please let me know your thoughts. Can we all live in peace?

12 years ago

I see. That is a shame. Because life is about changing. Our future depends upon it. Evolution and surviving. I think it is good to have Royal Vampires and all of the middle Vampires. As well as pure Lycanthropy .. hybrid etc. We all are a common brothers & sisters. To me we all are as one! We are all strong links in a great big chain. They won’t lose there power! I know that is a big deal. I also was ESP’d by a vampire. Not sure weather he was a Royal or not. But he had many wives. His women told me that they don’t want anymore women Vampires. They have enough. lol I’m like well that is good. I am something else anyhow. When I was face to face with one at Walmart. I don’t know if he was Royal. To me we all are one. We sense each other. I never seen myself as better than anyone.. nor will I ever! I see myself as one with Nature! As my father did. Would be nice if they did accept hybrids and there brothers. Working together for the common good of our future!

8 years ago

Just a Random Question, what would be the result of a Living Dead Lycan mating with a First Generation Vampire? What would be the result of a Biological Demon Mating with a First Generation vampire?

8 years ago

Would a Demon Vampire have a thirst for blood only, or would there be an additional thirst for flesh? Could they walk in the sunlight or would they die like a Vampire? Would they have a psi powers?

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