In lieu of any spiritual beliefs or an extra enchanted state of existence unseen, the only reason to exist is to survive and perpetuate the human species forward into the future. The end game is to propel future humans to some Godlike state as they reside in a paradise Utopia. Hopefully, to develop fantastical technologies that would allow biological beings to ascend to higher dimensions of existence and actually become Gods. That leaves countless billions as mere mindless cogs and cannon fodder languishing in the hellish annals of history thus becoming nothing more than Dust In The Wind. All so an elite class may reap the rewards in the future.
The Immortal Gods Shall Inherit The Earth
These lucky immortal or amortal souls of the future won’t earn their status but rather inherit it from all those who died before them! Let us hope they appreciate our sacrifices and use their Godly powers to save us. In essence, lend some truth to the various afterlives of the religions people believe in if it wasn’t already there. The creation of a higher dimensional afterlife via the temporal resurrection of every person, and animal, who ever lived on Earth! Ultimately, everyone who has ever existed in the entire Universe before it meets its own maker! Read The Rest Of This Article On Our Main Site…