The Nephilim Bunyan Walks Among Us!
The gentle giant lumberjack of American Folklore known as Paul Bunyan is in fact real! He is a Nephilim which is the offspring of a Fallen Angel and a Human. The most notorious of their kind was Goliath of Biblical fame. They tend to be evil as they inherit the rebellious nature of their former Heavenly parent. They also have bounties of blasphemy on their head by the authority of Archangels. On the other hand, we have Demi-Angels which are the result of rare unions between Angels and Humans. They are sanctioned as holy by Heaven. The only known Demi-Angel is Santa Claus. Paul turned to the side of righteousness which reflects his saintly Mother who thought she was bearing the holy child of an Angel. She was tricked into thinking her son would be the next Saint Nicholas! Paul Bunyan’s will to help humankind flies in the face of his Father who descended into demonhood status in Hell. A father who continually returns in demonic spectral form demanding his son turn to the dark side!🪓
Paul Bunyan Paranormal Podcast
Born From The American Revolution Paul Bunyan Carved The New Frontier
Like most Nephilim Paul rose to over 9 feet tall. In addition, he has enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. This includes the ability to sense impending danger. Much of the folklore is incorrect in making him an immense giant as tall as large buildings! They also get quite a few of his exploits wrong as well. He certainly didn’t carve the Grand Canyon by dragging his ax behind him nor created Mount Hood by putting stones on his campfire. However, he did carve out some less noticeable features of the American landscape including the creation of some small lakes. Mostly he was into chopping down the dense overabundance of trees found in the new American Frontier. For him, that began just past the original 13 colonies as he was born sometime in the late 1700’s. His formative years bore witness to the American Revolution. As an Immortal Nephilim, he would live to see the entire history of the United States Of America. That is unless someone manages to complete the unfair supernatural death warrant on his head!
The Heavenly Bounty On Paul’s Head
After his father literally went straight to Hell in order to serve the Devil, Paul was raised by his mother in the isolated Appalachian wilderness. Paul’s mother knew his life was in danger from Archangels, Demons, various other paranormal beings, and even supernatural hunters. This compelled her to seek out a powerful witch. The good witch cast an Enochian Angel Magic spell to keep Paul’s Fallen Angelic side from broadcasting its metaphysical energy signature forth into the world. This enchanted energy often acts as a beacon for Heaven to find Nephilim. With that protection in place, he only had to worry about those who might track him down by difficult detective work or via coincidentally running across him. Naturally, his size makes hiding a hard task.
A Kinship With The Sasquatch And Native Americans

From early on he loved chopping down trees with a giant mystical ax his Father left him. Although, it was believed his Father wanted him to kill people with it for the purposes of demonic sacrifices! As the giant Bunyan came into contact with various settlers, hillbillies and mountain folk, they reluctantly accepted him. This was due to his charismatic warm demeanor in conjunction with helping them out free of charge. Once someone befriended Paul they could count on his loyal protection against all threats on the wild frontier. With very little in the way of media present, the tall tales of his existence were merely regarded as such. Before settlers befriended him Paul was first embraced by local Native Americans who almost thought of him as a God. Paul even developed a special kinship with the Sasquatch who often protected Natives from harm as best they could. That is until the later years when government forces overwhelmed everyone. Paul worked to keep the uneasy peace between settlers and Natives without resorting to violence.
The Passing Of Paul’s Mother And The Birth Of A Blue Ox!
With each passing year, he ventured further out into the vast western wilderness clearing land for farmers and those building the first dirt roads. Later he aided in paving the way for the railroads. It’s been said that the American wilderness would have been far more dangerous if not for his presence. Due to his long legs and super speed, he was able to run back and be with his Mother on weekends. Unfortunately, she died at an early age as making love to a Fallen Angel and birthing a Nephilim take quite a toll on the human body! When she died Paul begged the witch who spelled him, the Natives, and the Bigfoot for a resurrection solution. Unfortunately, death was beyond their control! Paul buried her in Kentucky and headed west to continue his work as a lumberjack, wildlife landscaper, and adventurer. Along the way, he developed an imaginary friend to pass the time in between meeting people. That friend was Babe The Big Blue Ox. A character born from bedtime stories his mother told him as a child. At some point, Paul’s Nephilim abilities granted the big beast a sentient self-aware state and a metaphysical energy body like a ghost. Sometimes Babe would appear beside Paul for all to witness!
The Nephilim Bunyan Is A Hero To Humankind!
He saved many lives by tackling criminal bullies and wrestling wild animals! Bunyan even battled many dark entities of the night including vampires, werewolves, zombies, and a parade of malevolent monsters lurking in the old west! Along the way, some misguided supernatural warriors, such as Vampire Slayers, attempted to end his life but failed miserably. By the time he began clearing giant redwoods in California sometime in the mid-1800’s he had to go into permanent seclusion as modern society, the trans-continental railroad, mass media, and telegraph communications began to take shape. Not to mention the pesky invention of the camera that could capture his image for the world to see!
Paul Bunyan Lives In The 21st Century

To this day Paul Bunyan hides in the mountains and forests of the American West. He often treks northward following the Rocky Mountains into Canada. He resides with the Sasquatch people and even a few tribes of mystical Native Americans who managed to remain hidden from the US government for hundreds of years! Their ancient ways untouched by modern civilization. They were the ones lucky enough to have gifted psychics who foresaw the downfall of Native America and knew that remaining hidden was the best choice. Sometime in the 1930’s Paul met his true love in one of the hidden tribes and is now happily married! Although, as a Nephilim, he can’t father any children.
Paul Finds North Pole City And Is Reunited With His Deceased Mother
Paul is the only Nephilim welcomed into North Pole City. This after he went on an expedition to the North Pole in 1919. He was shocked to discover Santa Claus and his winter wonderland! Once he entered the saintly city Babe The Big Blue Ox miraculously gained corporeal form and has remained in physical form ever since. Paul was beyond joyous about being re-united with his Mother who descended from Heaven in Angel form. She continues to do so every Christmas and on her birthday! Santa takes great pains to cloak Paul as he does not agree with Heaven’s bounty on his head. In fact, he grants Paul a Glamour spell thus allowing him to appear just under 7 feet tall rather than over 9 feet. This powerful spell only works for extended periods at North Pole City and briefly when Bunyan ventures into human society for various reasons. His Mother valiantly argues for Heavenly amnesty and hopes the Omniverse God will pardon Paul. Sadly, he remains silent on a great many issues as God wants to be neutral and play out all mathematical probabilities. This leaves Paul’s fate in the hands of the Archangels who consider him a sinful abomination! If you spot Paul Bunyan while hiking or camping in the Rocky Mountains please do approach him and feel safe in knowing he will always be your friend!🌲
A Terrifying Glimpse Into What If Paul Bunyan Was Evil?
Most Nephilim are evil so this should have been Paul’s perplexing path. However, he would have been taken down by the forces of righteousness by now if he was so blatantly attacking humans! This video is from the movie: Axe Giant: The Wrath Of Paul Bunyan. Watch The Movie Online…[Ad]