March 25, 2025
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Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Who is the most dark, evil, horrifying, demonic non-earthly god? Besides Satan. I wish to meet him/her. Will you give me the name also. Thank you very much.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Hmm iblis from Islam…or another iblis? I mentioned iblis to that Deva I had a small chat with. Are iblis and deva connected? Then she stared to rant about how I knew nothing of gods and blah blah blah, then i’m admitted that indeed I knew nothing about gods. She keep talking….rather arrogantly.

Azeiquil Gavreel
Azeiquil Gavreel
11 years ago

Oh my goodness what has my grammar come down to?! That comment is inadequate to even be considered intelligent….I have to go read a dictionary.

8 years ago

I read your page on the Macroverse god and Omniverse God. I also read about the Hyper-Omniverse god. What if the point of life is to ascend to Omniverse Godhood, then Hyper-Omniverse Godhood, then Become one with the Macroverse god? I find this information interesting. Should I read up on this at

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