March 26, 2025
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12 years ago

Hi Ashley. This is very helpful information. I was thinking they were of demonic DNA. I guess I am wrong. Anything so bad and so hungry for human flesh must be of something demonic. This is very surprising to me. 🙂 Just when I think I know everything I’m wrong!! 😉 lol Thank you for this info. Have a good weekend. Nice to meet you Ashley’. Angela 🙂

12 years ago

Oh you are dating a werewolve. wow! 😉 lol Hey now… Yeah they are a powerful force to sometime recon with! 😉 I’m happy to hear he never harmed anyone! Yes I believe there are more than one type of werewolves in this world. Some astral others are truly physical. As for zombies, I never believed in them. And yet I still have terrifying visions about them. So I was wondering what the heck is going on here? But in my subconscious mind I was fearing ‘..”Hey now this might be real” wow. Still trying to grasp it. Been in deep denial about them. 🙂 I will be okay! Just shocked. Mostly the fact I didn’t want to believe they existed. lol Now that I know they do exist. Scares me. like holly hell. I am astounded that they are not evil. I love Drake so much! And he is of Demonic DNA…. I can’t imagine how a zombie is not. I’ll have to just deal with it. To me Drake is perfect!

I will defiantly read the article “Accidental Confluence of Events in 4129 BC Sumer.” Sorry If I come off as strange. I just seriously never believed in zombies. As a child I wanted to believe strongly in the Vampire’s… I fell in love with there existence. Since they portray love, strength, Nobility, Loyalty, And passion. I was 6yrs old when I seen my first vampire love movie. And I’ll tell you… I was hoping to god they were as Devinaire as in the story. 🙂 Yes Drake fits it all. right down to the V. 😉 Was if I wanted to meet a man such as him. And did. so yeah… he blows me away!!!! I am so happy to know Mystic Investigations exists. Thank you!!! Thank you! :0) Just hopped out of my jacuzzi having a most excellent weekend so far! Would be better if we all lived closer. lol Cheers!

12 years ago

Oh my god! I just watched the very last video at the bottom of your page. wow!!!!!!!!!! Scared. Since I recently had vision that a zombie was at the end of my vi-dock .. (((Train track bridge only across my street))) Wtf. And that zombie mob moved fricken fast and tore that man apart in seconds.

Fellow Vampires.. You need to bite me ASAP! I want to defeat these mindless zombies. Please come and bite me now.. If what I’ve seen in my town happens I seriously want to be able to fight against them. I don’t want to be there chowder! Drake please esp Charles to get here. I’m serious. Scary stuff. I did want my eyes open and to know all truths. I just didn’t expect it to be like. All hell braking lose!! Have a good weekend. Great work on the page. It scared me more than any scary movies on Netflix. (That says alot!) lol 😉

Xavier Remington
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Speaking of Netflix you should catch the AMC series “The Walking Dead”. Although maybe in your current state it would be too scary to see a zombie apocalypse world where a group is gradually picked off by the living dead menace over the course of two seasons. In the series they finally realize they’ve all been infected to an extent so that when anyone dies for any reason they automatically become a zombie without a zombie bite. If such a global pandemic happened we’ve got a secret underground base in the Mystical Forest where we should be able to live somewhat normal lives. There’s too many supernatural beings in those woods for the Zombies to survive. If the zombie virus hits the fan splattering about wildly then you can come live with us in what would be just about the safest place on Earth. Second only to a deserted island which Drake has as a back up plan. So we’re already prepared for the worst.

12 years ago

Hi Ashley.. 🙂 You’re right.. Vampires & Werewolves can be good. Some can control there powers. I can’t speak for all though. I only hope I never come face to face with a zombie. They are very strong.. “hungry”. 🙂 Hey I’ll be sending Rebecca, Xavier & Drake some energy tonight. Would you mind If I send you some as well? I’ll send a little since it’s the first. It will be a blue orb. 🙂 Stay sweet! Thank you for the information too!

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