The Plague Doctor Saves Earth From Aliens!

The Plague Doctor, aka Dr. Darius “Death” Maximilian, is a notorious supernatural criminal who works to spread disease around the world. His dream is to see the planet pounded into a paranormal pandemic! His endgame is to shape this reality in his sick image that includes him being the God of a new monstrous race of microbes, viruses, and bacteria in a sapient humanoid form! We now know that sometime in mid-July 2019 he sort of got his wish. However, wishes that seem too good to be true can often turn out to be unexpected nightmares.

Earth Gets Its First Visit From Intelligent Virus Based Extraterrestrials

While sacrificing disease-ridden humans to his God Pestilence, one of the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, the Plague Doctor accidentally aided in the opening of a portal to a perplexing planet in the Triangulum Galaxy. Aliens from that world were experimenting with the folding of space-time in conjunction with a location mechanism that sought out conscious life in the Universe. It’s plausible they would have eventually found Earth but in this case, they sensed the dark supernatural presence of a sick puppy who literally loves deadly microbes. Not surprising for a guy who can never be affected by any disease and is instead the ultimate asymptomatic carrier. The dastardly Doctor’s microbial love was important because the extraterrestrials in question were a species of humanoid viruses from a planet ripe with animals directly evolved from viruses, bacteria, and other macabre microbes.

The Plague Doctor Attempts To Make Peace With His Dream Aliens

The viral aliens had never seen anything like humans before. Despite their grotesque appearance the Plague Doctor removed his iconic bird’s beak mask and greeted them with a warm smile. His right-hand woman Typhoid Mary smiled nervously and put forth a brave greeting. Mary might not be as far into the Plague Doctor’s vision as she once thought? The Doctors normally malevolent minions tried not to let their trepidation show as they stood among the human sacrifices. The Plague Doctor sensed fear among his people and tried to assure them they were all among friends. As he was a master of Disease Manipulation, aka Virokinesis, he was able to communicate and calm the virus aliens natural aggression. Their instinct was to devour or assimilate all life into its viral form. The Doctor offered them his sacrifices for dinner. It was a most horrifying vision as the alien slurped up the dead humans. Some of the Doctors minions were said to have puked thus embarrassing him. He then offered them up for assimilation.

Doctor Death And His Dark Denizens Ironically Attempt To Save Earth

The Plague Doctor quickly realized his paranormal powers of disease weren’t enough to control their intelligent minds. They began quickly multiplying as he sensed their intent to take over the planet. Something that could have easily happened within days due to their rapid exponential growth and assimilation of all life! His Lord Pestilence telepathically commanded him to stop these abominations and their interference of Armageddon prophesy. Doctor Death hesitated a bit as this was his dream. Once they made a move on his dark love Typhoid Mary he sprang into action! He might not have much control of their minds but his virus manipulation could wreak some havoc on their disgusting bodies!

The Asymptomatically Diseased Body Of The Plague Doctor Eradicates The Virus ET’s

The Plague Doctor used his unique psychokinetic abilities amid supernatural strength, speed, and agility to battle these bastards! As his eyes glowed with a toxic brown color, he yelled to Mary and his minions to enter the portal to find the device that created it. They would need to destroy it and get back through it somehow. They all donned their biowarfare masks and entered an alien world over 2 million light-years away in an instant! The Doctor went against every fiber of his being and systematically killed the alarming aliens. As he committed what he believed were heinous acts he felt sorrow for the loss of the beautiful blasphemous behemoths. The final horde of the virus ET’s pounced on the Plague master all at once and began to assimilate him. Upon doing so they ingested virtually every disease that has existed on this Earth since the immortal Doctors birth in 1313. The viral extraterrestrials were ironically overwhelmed by Earth’s finest viruses and other diseases. They promptly perished!

The Paranormal Portal To A Hell World Is Closed By The Plague Doctor Cult

Doctor Death raced to the portal and stepped foot on to the most hellish looking planet ever. To him, it was a vision of perfection that made a tear stream from his eye. All animal life was monstrous macro microbes and the plants were mostly fungi and algae based. A rotten stink hung in the putrid air as their sun shined down through green skies. Typhoid Mary ran toward the Doctor screaming, “Help! They’re after us!” The chaotic couple embraced as she declared explosives were about to destroy the portal creation device. His minions were bellowing for help as an epidemic of virus aliens was chasing them. The Doctor and Mary came back to Earth along with a few minions before the portal collapsed trapping the rest in a living nightmare! All data about Earth’s location was eradicated with the destruction of the space-time warping device. Amazingly the Plague Doctor is a hero and Earth’s savior in this one isolated instance. Oh, the humanity!

We Salute A Former Plague Doctor Cult Member For Finding Salvation!

This story came to us courtesy of a former Plague Doctor Cult member who was shaken from her misguided path by this horrifying incident. She informed Mystic Investigations that the Plague Doctor saved the alien corpses and is using them in his experiments to create the perfect pandemic disease! He’s also studying them to make his dream of humanoid viruses become a reality on Earth. Monsters he has 100% control over! Pray this never comes to pass!

😷Next Plague Doctor Story💉: Mystic Investigations Battles The Plague Doctor On Valentines 2018



Woman & Grandson Miraculously Survive Car Crash Incident

56-year-old Vilma Nascimento and her five-year-old grandson Joao are seen being brutally run over by an out of control car in this video. However, they walked away with nothing but scratches, and bruises. Joao even had his head impacted by the tire of the car yet he got up immediately as if nothing had happened! Most have said this is a miracle of God or a product of Angelic Heavenly protections. Others have speculated that these two are supernatural beings of some sort. This includes an alien hybrid or angel hybrid known as a Nephilim.

A Miracle Of Nature Deities

After conducting a paranormal investigation we have come to the conclusion that this is a case of both supernatural beings, and metaphysical miracles. A professional paranormal investigations team in Brazil took DNA samples from the scene of the amazing event where they discovered traces of Earthly God DNA. This was confirmed by supernatural labs around the world including Mystic Investigations whose sample was tested by Cryptozoologist Ashley Abercrombie. Unfortunately, Earthly Nature Deities taking biological form and leaving a DNA sample behind are rare so it’s very difficult to identify specific God genes. Most of the limited paranormal DNA databases related to Gods contain data from relatives of Demigods who are sure of their higher dimensional relatives. Thankfully though the true Earthly Gods, rather than Extraterrestrial, Demonic, and other higher dimensional imposters, have common genetic markers.

The Godly Grandmother And Grandson

An interview with the Grandmother and Grandson resulted in them denying they had God lineage. This is perfectly understandable when considering how governments and nefarious private organizations like to get a hold of supernatural creatures. Various psychics, seers, mystics, and Priests worked the accident scene along with reading the minds of the two survivors from an inconspicuous distance. In concert, they pieced together a psychic picture of paranormal DNA linked to a Godly progenitor. The conclusion is that the Nascimento’s Godly DNA is a very small percentage. Yet enough to prevent death, which would have happened to the average person in such an accident. Still, not enough for them to walk away with virtually no injury. The bulk of their survival was the result of the Grandparent God watching over them as a Guardian God. In fact, there were two enchanted beings present in non-corporeal form at the time of the accident.

Guardian Gods

It was Inti, the Incan Sun God, and his sister Mama Quilla, the Incas Moon Goddess. Inti being the relative that fathered their distance Demigod ancestor who should theoretically still be alive somewhere as an immortal. Just as Angels protect humans so do Gods, and Goddesses watch over the lineage of their offspring. Generally, anyone with even a bit of higher dimensional diety blood causes Angels to back off, and let the Gods watch over their own. Especially since Nature Deities are known to be extremely territorial, and Angels want to save most battles for Armageddon. Due to this impending prophesied war, one battle of which was already fought, we’ve seen an ever-increasing number of Demigod births meant to grow into Godly foot soldiers.

Related Articles: The Independent | New York Daily News


Supernatural Connection To Denver Broncos Super Bowl XLVIII Loss

Satan Sits At The Supernatural Super Bowl With Seahawks Win!

The Denver Broncos lost Super Bowl XLVIII in one of the most embarrassing defeats in football history on February 2nd, 2014! This one-sided match was almost surreal as the Seattle Seahawks pummeled the Broncos who had a score of zero for most of the game. The sad Super Bowl showing ended in a score of 43-8.  How could a team that made it to the Super Bowl play like a group of bumbling amateurs? It’s inexplicable!  After some suspicious supernatural cues, Mystic Investigations began investigating this unfortunate incident. This led us to the uncovering of a rare deal with the Devil himself.  Sure, there are deals with demons but you have to be someone special to receive a direct audience with the Prince Of Darkness himself! Although since October 2013 it’s somewhat easier since he’s walking the Earth in a biological human-like form. As of 2015, he’s primarily here to raise his son The Anti-Christ!😈

A Devil’s Deal Is Made

Even without directly holding the reigns of Hell in his hands, since the Sorcerer Dimitri Diablo took over as King of Hell, the Devil is still a powerful Archdemon and technically the Emperor Of Hell and the Underworld. Satan has legions of loyal demon followers holding plenty of souls in their blasphemous collection.  There are also the practitioners of black magic who see him as their dark master and unholy lord. It seems Microsoft co-founder, and Seattle Seahawks owner Billionaire Paul Allen had the clout to summon the Devil to him via contact with some high-level Satanic Priests. This puzzled us at first since it’s common knowledge in the paranormal community that Allen, and fellow college drop-out Bill Gates, formed an unholy pact with a high-level demon named Shazzleton.

They sold their souls to make Microsoft one of the most successful corporations on Earth. Once you sell your soul and make a demonic deal you usually have nothing left to negotiate with. However, after consulting numerous physics, seers, mystics, and priests we discovered that Dimitri Diablo slew Shazzleton in one of the many battles taking place in the Hell Civil War. Factions loyal to the Devil are still fighting Diablo’s authority. Before his untimely death, Shazzleton held the title of Grand Duke Demon Of Hell!

The Re-Selling Of A Soul

Once a demon is eradicated from existence all the souls he bought are freed from their contract. Although sometimes demons sneak in riders that state the souls are ultimately owned by the Devil thereby ensuring the souls remain the property of Hell in perpetuity! If whatever the soul seller got in return has altered reality on a global scale then it can’t be taken back. However, any supernatural tampering with the timeline on a major level would enact the Supernatural Secrecy Pact causing Angelic intervention. Clearly, Allen doesn’t seem to see the importance of having a soul, and he was quite delighted to have what he thinks of as his soul stock back in play. For reasons unknown, he felt a Super Bowl win was worth his immortal soul as crazy as that sounds for someone who is a billionaire!  The Devil was quite happy to get another soul back in his possession for something so simple as a football game win.

Satan Secures A Seat At The Super Bowl

Witnesses remember seeing a man fitting the Devil’s current description at the Super Bowl so he obviously took care of this task personally. Some remember him specifically because he would laugh maniacally every time the Broncos fumbled the ball or screwed up royally in some way.  Most likely he was performing magic in each of those instances. From the coin toss win by Seattle onward the Devil had the entire Super Bowl under his Satanic spell.  Although clearly Actor Kurt Russell, a friend of the Devil, knew in advance what the outcome of the Super Bowl would be. Spectators remember that the guy who turned out to be the Devil was really enjoying himself as he knocked back $12 beers and $13 hot dogs in mass quantities between his dramatically loud laughter. He also stood out in fans minds because he was sitting in between two hot women wearing low-cut dresses. It’s unknown if they were demons, succubus, Satanic sycophants, or simply women under his supernatural spell.  When the game was over, he was seen getting into a black stretch limo with his two ladies. A few swear they saw his eyes glow red during the game.

In conclusion, Coloradans can at least have some solace that it was supernatural interference that lost them the Super Bowl. Hopefully, the Denver The Broncos were finally redeemed in 2016 when they won Super Bowl 50! After the 2014 incident, a Team Psychic was hired to sense if anyone was selling their soul, performing a curse, or utilizing some other supernatural chicanery to mess with their team! [Watch Super Bowl Highlights Here…]🏈

📝Prologue: Satan reached an agreement with King Of Hell Dimitri Diablo after a long Civil War in Hell. He respected the fact that a once simple human like Diablo was able to rise to such power and actually challenge him. In a way, it supported God’s view of humans eventually rising beyond even Archangels. However, The Devil loved that the one to rise the highest thus far was one who was so strong with evil! In his mind, he was sticking it to his Heavenly Father and showing him that maybe his decision was wrong since humans can be quite destructive! Diablo remains King Of Hell while Satan is the Emperor. In fact, he always was the Emperor who also named himself King as well. Lucifer loves his titanic titles!👑
