The Slender Man is the most diabolical supernatural serial killer in global history! He has remained hidden from human history for centuries and only gained notoriety in the 21st century due to power of the information age. He is known for his sinister mind control games, kidnappings, and murders that usually take place through his puppet proxies. However, he never kills children despite kidnapping them to feed off the enchanted energy of their pure innocence. Psychics have confirmed the kidnapped kids are still alive at an unknown location in a state of non-aging stasis having happy dreams. Find More Information About Slenderman In Our Main Article…
Author Archives: Paranormal Newsdesk
Ursid Meteor Shower Will Reign Powers Down Upon Us
The Ursid Meteor Shower of 2013 will in part be a group of fallen Angels sent to Earth this weekend after being expelled from Heaven. The mystical energies of this supernatural meteor shower will be attracted to humans. Should it hit a person they will absorb the Angelic powers thereby stranding the Angel on Earth as a mere mortal. Whoever is hit by the paranormal power will in essence become a very powerful Earthly God who will instantly be healed of all health issues including aging beyond their mid 20′s or so. They will have nearly unlimited powers, and abilities merely by thinking about it just as a Genie can grant just about any wish. Whoever absorbs this power must take great care not to expose themselves to the general public otherwise Angelic, and even Demonic forces may invoke, and enforce the Supernatural Secrecy Pact. Your powers will then be stripped, or even worse you could be taken out of play here on Earth permanently.
If you should adsorb the Heavenly powers then be very cautious about what you think about because it will manifest itself into reality. When wishing for world peace, or other huge things of a global nature remember that you will be transported to a similar Earth in a parallel Universe as dictated by Universal Law. In addition be on alert for Demons and other malicious magical beings who will exploit, or even attempt to steal your power for nefarious purposes. We suggest enjoying your new life as a God, or Goddess by exploring our reality to the fullest, and joining the fight against supernatural evil as well. Don’t fall prey to delusions of grandeur, and the inevitable God complex that will fight to take over within you. Please treat your immortality, near invincibility, and magical powers with respect, and honor the world you came from. Thank you in advance for your future good handy works, and please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Mystic Investigations for any guidance you might need once acquiring your awesome gift from the Heavens above!
We already have one report of a woman in New York who absorbed the powers.
The Chaos Of Unholy War Reigns Supreme In Hell!
The New King Of Hell Dimitri Diablo Deals With Civil War In Hades While The Devil Walks The Earth!
The First Battle Of Armageddon caused the ascension of the Sorcerer Dimitri Diablo to the unholy throne of Hell. Meanwhile, the Devil was banished to Earth in a far weakened form. However, the news isn’t all good and bad for each of these nefarious fiends respectively. King Diablo Of Hell has been fighting a civil war in Hades with various Demon factions. The main threat comes from the Satanic Faction lead by the Devil’s first son, Crown Prince Of Hell, and heir to the Kingdom of Hell. His name is the Archdemon Ba‘al Zebûb, aka Beelzebub. The first mention of him in human history was that of being the god of the Philistine city of Ekron. In ancient times a number of demons declared themselves Earthly Gods. Although the real Earthly Gods and the Angels cleaned house. One of the few times the Gods, and Angels had a common goal. The first son of the Devil has been born on Earth as a Demi-Demon many times, and on at least one occasion existed as a rare biological Demon which is deeply difficult due to Angelic intervention. In order for him to be born on Earth, his father needs to mate with a special human in order to yield the proper soul frequency to connect with Ba‘al’s demon self in Hell. Ba‘al is meant to be the Demidemon Anti-Christ and the First Battle Of Armageddon at least stopped the Devil from fathering him on Earth.
The Archdemon Ba‘al leads not only his original 66 legions of demons but also an additional 42 that have joined to defy Diablo’s Kingship over the demonic dominion. At least three other factions exist vying for their own chance to take over Hell as they never approved of the Devil’s rule. We’re talking about tens of thousands of Demons fighting together! This illustrates how powerful Diablo is to virtually stand alone against them all. Diablo only has four legions on his side but his promises of Hell reform have added to his numbers. He has also taken advantage of the in-fighting among factions. If they ever united he might be ousted.
The Devil has been spotted around the Earth mainly visiting Satanic churches, vampire royalty, human royalty, and various heads of State who pledge allegiance to the New World Order. There’s talk of him simply acting as the Anti-Christ now that he’s here in a unique form. His physical presence is somewhat like that of a demidemon thanks to the Anti-Claus, the evil twin brother of Santa Claus, melding into him. It’s made it easier for Satan to hide from Angels who are actively seeking him out for extermination as that is the punishment for demons who leave the prison of Hell. Unfortunately becoming a world leader would make him rather easy to target so he’s still pinning his hopes on Ba‘al becoming the Anti-Christ. The chosen one who will lead the Earth into eternal darkness and damnation.
At the various Satanic Churches, the Devil has declared his wish to bestow the honorary title of Ater Sancti upon the Anti-Claus for his sacrifice in giving the Devil life on Earth. Had it not been for him the Devil may have faced being blinked from existence for all eternity. An Ater Sancti is known as a Dark Saint or Anti-Saint. A jab at the Saints of Heaven including Saint Nicholas, aka Santa Claus.
With the Devil now among us, a new breed of Satan Slayers has formed in many countries. Unfortunately, they are unorganized and lack central coordination for maximum efficiency in hunting down the Devil. Even the Catholic Church has gotten in on the action with a secret order of Knights that are on a search and destroy the Devil mission. In addition, there are several powerful supernatural beings looking to take advantage of the Devil’s weakened state. This includes the Jinn, aka unbottled/unlamped Genies, who exist in another dimension. Their incursions into our reality have increased with news of Satan’s arrival.
We would like to thank the many gifted psychics, seers, sages, oracles, prophets, priests, mystics, and various practitioners of magic who are able to see into Hell and track demonic activity. Without them, we could not provide you with extra-dimensional supernatural news.