Freak Violent Winds At Rose Bowl Caused By Aurae

On December 31st, 2014 there was a freak violent wind event explained as a tornado despite no hint of any storm clouds whatsoever.  Certainly, no funnel cloud was witnessed.  This event took place at a Rose Bowl Fan Fest event near the actual Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California.  As seen in the video above the whirling winds sent tents, and gear aloft as people screamed and scrambled for cover.  We now know that the brisk winds were caused by Aurae, or Aurai, which are Wind Nymphs (minor wind deities).  Together these Nymphs of the breezes form one spirit known as Aura.  There are various Gods, and Goddesses of the winds above them but ultimately they all fall under the rule of Aeolus.  However, Aeolus, and his various Undergods had nothing to do with this event.  It was completely the doing of the local Breeze Nymphs.

Angry Aurae Activate Alarming Air!

Wind Nymphs

Various Californian Witches have verified that the Aurae were angry about the Rose Bowl event desecrating, and disrupting the surrounding nature.  It seems one too many people littered, and had ill will toward the environment.  It’s believed a tin can thrown at some ducks was the last straw! So the Nymphs decided to clean house and created their own open-air twister vacuum to suck up and blow away the refuse.  Naturally, as with various angry nature deities, a higher one steps in to halt various actions that might bring negative repercussions on the Earthly Gods.  The God Of The West Wind Zephyrus immediately ordered a halt to the gale-force assault.  The Nymphs didn’t want to comply at first but Zephyrus’s wife Iris, Goddess Of Rainbows, finally calmed them down.  The Wind Nymphs surrendered the Rose Bowl to the humans and headed out into the Pacific Ocean for a rest. Sylphs, aka Air Fairies, temporarily took over operation of the localized winds. The Windy Wonders of Pasadena returned a week later to resume their nature Nymph duties.


Leprechaun Escapes Whales Belly

A Leprechaun had been attending to the official business of good luck in Nova Scotia when one of his lucky charms was pilfered by a lobster on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.  The startled Leprechaun immediately dove in after the thieving lobster but before he could retrieve it a whale swallowed the little fella whole.  After lying in darkness for a while the Leprechaun finally mustered up the power to launch a micro teleportation rainbow out of the behemoths blowhole. Leprechauns travel around the world via a network of mystical rainbows always in existence.  The vast majority out of the range of human vision.  Only rain showers make them visible to the general populace.  A Leprechaun with enough luck can create small rainbows of their own when the network doesn’t connect to a location.

The Rainbow Transport To Freedom!

Leprechaun Rainbow Teleport

A tourist caught the spectacle on camera.  The rainbow containing the Leprechaun in a temporary metaphysical energy form is captured on film. After that the rainbow shoots into the ocean where the Leprechaun materializes underwater and tracks down the lucky charm lobster larcenist.  Luckily the Leprechaun found an ocean rainbow to travel safely back to Ireland.  Although the rainbow made a stop at the Mermaid undersea city of Atlantis first.  It’s theorized this little bout of bad luck was caused by a Clurichaun, aka Dark Leprechaun, in vicinity.

This report is courtesy of The Legendary Book Of Leprechaun.  A historical record kept by the Leprechaun people.  The supernatural book is continually updated by Leprechauns. Unfortunately, those of us in the paranormal community allowed to gaze upon the book are only given brief access every few years or so.


Car Disappears From Highway In A Flash

What appears to be a highway with a disappearing car is actually a roadway simulated test track at a top secret Illuminati facility in Southern Italy. That’s why the CCTV camera footage has very little information on it except for the time minus seconds, and the date of May 4th, 2014. It’s a private camera rather than a government surveillance unit. The Illuminati are a secret cabal of plutocratic elites who rules over all the nations of the world via their multinational corporations that have deep influence in government. This global shadow government is called the New World Order.

They are also in league with reptilian extraterrestrials who actually evolved from dinosaurs on our planet millions of years ago with the aid of demonic forces. These aliens had left Earth after a catastrophic meteor caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some returned in the 20th century, and joined forces with the Illuminati for the purposes of global domination, and enslavement of humankind. Various top secret research facilities around the world, such as the one seen in the video, are utilized to test Extraterrestrial technology in real life situations. In this case teleportation technology for the purposes of abducting anyone who could be a threat to their master plans!

The Vanishing Car

Highway Car Teleportation

The above video footage was smuggled out of the top-secret Italian facility courtesy of a janitor who shall remain nameless.  He witnessed unspeakable horrors taking place within the facility with what he described as “unholy technology”.  As a devout Christian who could no longer stand by the atrocities he decided to quit his job.  He acquired the footage above on a computer memory stick accidentally thrown away.  He had hoped releasing the footage on the internet would cause people to ask questions but the Illuminati cover their tracks as usual.  Once again the video has been branded a fake as many are in order to cover the truth from the general public.  Hopefully this alien teleportation technology won’t be used as a weapon against the general populace!
