Why Does Slender Man Hang Around The Woods?
The sinister Slender Man is known for inhabiting wooded areas, and performing his acts of terror not too far from said places. However he is not tied to the woods since he has sometimes appeared in open fields, and briefly in urban areas. Yet there are usually wooded parks nearby when he makes rare urban appearances. Some have suggested that forests are a convenient place to hide. Certainly as a tall shape shifter hiding behind tree trunks,and springing out to scare unsuspecting campers, and hikers is a favorite pastime of his. Although various psychics, seers, and mystics who have seen Slenderman’s home Dimension know that our wooded areas most resemble where he came from before being sentenced here for crimes against his own people. This has been doubly confirmed by the only three people verified as visiting the Slender Dimension, and returning to tell the tale. Technically psychics, and telepaths read their minds because they were in a permanent catatonic state for the rest of their short lives!

The Slenderman’s Parallel Dimension, not Universe, is densely scattered with immovable shiny jet black cylindrical monolith pillars that extend from the ground into the roof of the sky. In Parallel Dimensions It’s possible for the dimension to end in the sky thereby creating a impenetrable barrier. Therefore Slender Man’s Dimension has no outer space to explore. In addition the ground itself is another wall of the dimension so there’s no digging down. These monoliths vary in girth, and texture. Some are somewhat smooth while others are very rough. There is indeed a resemblance to tree trunks. The places where they appear to puncture the dimensional barrier in the sky, and on the ground have a moving flow pattern that looks like leaves blowing in the wind on tree branches. This is caused by the subtle movement of the pillars themselves despite Slenderman’s people inability to cut them down, or destroy them in any way. View of the sky, and ground is sometimes obstructed by varying densities of a foreboding gray fog consisting of a substance of unknown origin. Most likely the extent of their weather patterns as no precipitation occurs. It’s known that Slender’s sometimes use it to bathe themselves.
The substance these paranormal pillars are made from is unknown but it’s properties would make you think it’s stone. Yet every so often a monolith springs a leak, and a sappy black blood like substance pours out. It’s been said that Slender Man’s ancestors drank this as food before they lost their mouths, and the need for physical sustenance. Sustenance familiar to us was replaced by metaphysical energy. After a great period of time extremely old pillars will finally crumble into dust but new ones always appear to grow simultaneously from the ground, and roof before meeting in the middle to form a new monolith. Smooth ones are new while old ones have very irregular surfaces. In most places within Slender’s Dimension they are densely packed so this seems to be the reason why his people evolved the need to become shape shifters so they could weave around those pesky things.
As some of the most gifted psychics, and telepathic masters delved further into the minds of Slender Man, and his nemesis The Slender Man Assassin, sent here to terminate him, they believe they finally found the secret of these odd static looking, yet dynamic, structures. The Dimension itself may be the body part of an immensely huge four dimensional creature, or even a multidimensional giant! The monoliths are some manner of bodily organ not quite of a biological nature we’re familiar with that serve some unknown function. It’s plausible that Slender Man’s people are possibly the equivalent of the beneficial bacteria we have in our intestines, or perhaps conversely a cancer the 4-D giant has been suffering from for quite some time. If that’s the case then the behemoth lives on since the Slenders can’t seem to spread to it’s entire body. The Slender People only have alternate dimensional access to certain Universes such as ours. Apparently rare places where the black blood seriously oozes from the pillars to form pools are key to inter-dimensional travel. They eat away certain points of the ground, and sky leading to realities such as ours when the Slender’s shape shift, and vibrate at certain frequency. Yes gravitational attraction is the strongest near any dimensional barrier. In addition there is no breathable air as we know it. This makes sense with a faceless creature like Slender Man who has no mouth, or nose. Being devoid of eyes goes along with the utter lack of light. There are only the electrical like surges along some monoliths that cause brief dim violet hued lighting. These surges usually only happen in growing, newborn, and nearly dying monoliths. The Slender’s only see through unique psychic sight. Touching a pillar allows them to see much further than the general area they occupy.
So now you know why Slenderman relishes the forests, and woods of the prison planet Earth he is mystically tied to. Could it be that this diabolical denizen of darkness actually is sentimental when it comes to his spooky home Dimension? I guess even the most heinous killers instilling terror in the hearts of humans has some redeeming qualities! That may even include the kids he kidnaps since he never harms one hair on their head. They are simply stored away somewhere in eternal biological stasis since he feeds upon their metaphysical energy of innocence. Kids that he considers too old are usually enlisted as his servants, and Slender Man Cult members. At the end of the day he has the power to use any human as his puppet proxy via his immense mind control powers!
Updated Note: Talk of Slenderman living in a forest mansion are false! He prefers shape-shifting with the trees. However, he does have various caverns around the world where he keeps the children he kidnaps in an eternal state of stasis.
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