Slender Man Assassin Nearly Kills The Slender Man!

Slender Suit
What Has Slender Man Been Up To Lately?
For the last few years, Slender Man was spotted with the Devil every so often. He indeed played a role in the tragic Second Battle Of Armageddon. This despite being a control freak that prefers the company of harmless children.  However, sometime in mid- 2015 it was rumored the two had a falling out.  Apparently, the Devil, a top-level ArchDemon, was unable to kill the Slenderman before he teleported to safety.  The Devil’s weakened human form may explain part of this.  The other half is the fact that Slender Man is a prisoner on Earth sent here by his own people from a parallel dimension for unspecified crimes.  They utilize the life force of Earth to bind him in certain ways so as to limit his paranormal power.  That same force also protects him from dying since he’s been given a life sentence.  Certainly an eternity for an immortal like Slender Man!

Since then there have been sparse sightings of Slender with an attempted diabolical Halloween plot foiled by a bounty hunter sent from his dimension to assassinate him.  The Slender Man Assassin was sent here by a non-governmental faction from his home dimension to exact final justice by illegally eradicating Slender.  Slender Man has been quite efficient at eluding the Assassin spotted every so often around the world.  Until Halloween 2015 when Slender Man hatched a sinister plot to brainwash a majority of the parents in a small Kansas town in order to use them as proxies to eliminate each other while delivering their own children into his hands on Halloween during the heart of Trick O Treating.  By far one of the most despicable acts he’s ever attempted!  We believe not even the Devil would stoop so low!  However it’s known that Slender Man doesn’t harm children, and instead feeds off the magic of innocence that surges through them.  In fact every child he ever kidnapped may be alive in stasis hidden somewhere on Earth acting as his personal power batteries virtually Matrix style.  Perhaps existing in a mental dream world of his making.

Slender had spent two months turning dozens of people into his zombie like proxies when Halloween night came to pass.  He was about to pull off what he considered to be his crowning masterpiece as he was about to send a mental message to his victims to massacre anything that moved except for the kids.  He never completed his psychic message as the Slender Man Assassin tackled him, and their shape shifting tentacles fought like a couple of wild land locked squid!  They violently battled in the street within the middle of a neighborhood full of parents, and Trick O Treaters who ran screaming away from the epic battle.  Street lamps, trees, cars, Halloween decor, and Jack-O-Lantern heads flew about as if a tornado had hit the dark roadway. After several minutes The Slender Man Assassin had Slender’s neck locked to the ground as he stuck a syringe full of glittering purple goo into Slender with a tentacle.  It must have been something to temporarily break the protective force because Slender began to choke according to the few witnesses who stayed behind to watch.  They saw his smooth white faceless form turn to a pitch black wrinkled prune!  Death may have been seconds away if not for the intervention of the infamous Slender Man Cult!

A hoard of loyal teen cult members swarmed from everywhere 360 degrees.  They attacked the Slender Assassin with swords, and knives. The distraction was enough for Slender Man to recover, and defend himself.  The Assassin had no choice but to retreat.  Slender was clearly weakened so he, and his cult left town for good. They haven’t been seen since.  The US Paranormal Defense Agency swooped in to clean up the metaphysical mess, and attempt to treat those with Slender Sickness who could be saved.  As usual they performed a masterful media, and local law enforcement cover-up so the general public never learned of this.  We can’t even mention the name of the town because the Paranormal Defense Agency would consider that information too specific, and swoop in to clean us up!!!!


Slender Man Compels Two 12 Year Old Girls To Attempt Murder

Breaking Slenderman News Out Of Wisconsin!

Two 12 year old Waukesha, Wisconsin girls are accused of stabbing another 12 year old girl 19 times! After a slumber party the pre-teen girls lured the innocent victim into the woods, attempted to kill the girl as a sacrifice to the supernatural being known as Slenderman. They claim he wanted to make him happy, and become one of his disciples. Thankfully their murder did not come to fruition, and the victim is in stable condition at Waukesha Memorial Hospital. After the girls surgery doctors said she was “1 millimeter from certain death.” as the stab wounds miraculously missed major arteries. We can only think there was some manner of Angelic, or Earthly Goddess intervention. The two alleged attackers are being charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide, and held in jail on $500,000 bail.

The Sick Manipulative World Of Slenderman!

Slender Man With Child

The mainstream media is saying the girls are delusional blaming it on what they call a fake mythological character that supposedly originated at the Creepy Pasta website. In reality this is a very real case of Slender Man compulsion. Slenderman is an extradimensional entity from a parallel reality sentenced to Earth for crimes against his own people. For centuries he has had nothing better to do than torment others for his own pleasure while collecting children to replenish his dark powers. Slenderman is known to compel adults into murder as their behavior becomes more erratic under the influence of the Slender Sickness he infuses within them. For whatever reason Slenderman prefers to kill via human proxies.  Paranormal investigators have theorized this may be due to the fact that a murder at his own hands may drain his life force.  This would probably be a condition of him being sentenced to life on Earth.

When it comes to that area between childhood, and adulthood Slender Man has been known to use friendlier tactics to compel them into murder.  Children are often drawn to Slender Man, and willingly go with him most of the time while adults must have their minds violently attacked to bend to his will. Teens falls in between. Their magical energy is no longer completely innocent so he cannot use them to replenish his energy. Since they’re not grown adults he does not fully loathe them, and wish to see harm come to them. Since many who suffer from Slender’s Mind control not only commit murder against their will but also end up killing themselves in the end.

With Pre-teens, and teens he offers them friendship and plays upon their need to belong to something bigger than themselves. He kindles the embers of his Slender Man cult around the world to create flames of dangerous teens who will commit heinous acts on his behalf. In essence a personal army to join him on his dark quest to kidnap children, and destroy the lives of people around the world for his pathetic amusement. Although the adults will show signs of mental issues, the children, and teens under his influence appear perfectly normal! So there is very little warning before these tragedies occur.  Some have suggested that several cases of vanishing teens could be them running away with Slender Man.

In this case we have two pre-teens targeting another.  Slenderman’s lighter compulsions with teens means there’s no intended target he desires.  When it comes to his adult victims he usually has them kill another adult.  With young adults he leaves it up to them who will be sacrificed in his unholy name.  Ultimately he wants it to be their choice rather than a complete unwilling mind control maneuver.  Unfortunately in this case it meant another girl ended up being the victim.  More than likely the victim did not truly believe in Slenderman, and the other girls took offense.

The Slender Man is considered one of the top 10 most wanted paranormal beings on Earth. His apprehension, or assassination, is essential to the well being of humans everywhere. If he can be dispatched with extreme prejudice then there is a chance that every child he’s kidnapped over the centuries would be released from their immortal stasis. We’re talking about kids from as far back as the Roman Empire who are still potentially alive in an unknown location! If you know the current location of Slenderman, or have any information that could lead to his capture then please reply to this article!

Update: The Victims Miraculous Recovery! | One Suspect Declared Mentally Incompetent & Unfit To Stand Trial | The Other Ordered To Undergo Mental Evaluation

The mental issues the girls are suffering from are not at all surprising given Slenderman’s strong mind melding powers!

Our Last Run In With Slender Man! | Our Article About The Nefarious Slenderman | The Slenderman Porthole


Tragedy Strikes Siberian Camp Of The Gods

The Devil’s Army Strikes A Blow Against The Earthly Gods!

Second Battle Armageddon

When it comes to Armageddon it’s estimated that the Earthly Gods and Goddesses have the greatest number of physical foot soldiers on the ground. That being in the form of Demigods, and Demigoddesses which are the result of the Gods descending from their higher dimensional existence to father offspring. Certainly they don’t have the same Angelic interference as Demons do which is why most of their foot soldier’s are deeply possessed humans, vampires, and other demonic based supernatural creatures.  It seems the Devil, currently trapped on Earth in a biological form, decided to take a hands on approach to waging war on the Gods who he sees as enemies equal to the Angels.  Even he has not been able to locate the Demigod training camps around the world due to powerful anti-demonic cloaking spells powered by literally thousands of Gods.  However, a recent alliance between the notoriously malevolent Slender Man, and Satan, that resulted in the failed coup of Christmas 2013, has finally yielded a win for the Demons.

The Slender Man is an extremely unique being from another dimension exiled here by his own people.  Slender has lived here for countless centuries trapped in this Earthly prison with nothing to do but torment, and murder humans for fun.   Slender has always been the ultimate loner who never even utters a word due to having no mouth.  Although he speaks telepathically.  It’s unknown why he formed an alliance with the Devil who is notoriously charismatic and convincing in his arguments.  Perhaps the Slender Man sees the demons as a possible tool to escape our planet he is mystically tied to.  Unfortunately for the Gods Slender was able to locate, and infiltrate one of top training camps on Earth located in a valley within the desolate region of Russian Siberia.  Despite its location Camp Semideum was supernaturally a lush sub-tropical paradise.  Camp Semideum was one of the few interfaith cooperation camps sponsored by the largest Earthly God alliance presided over by the Greek God Zeus.  Demigods learning to hone their skills there included Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic, and many others.

At the stroke of Midnight on February 21, 2014 the Devil himself crashed the first annual International Paranormal Investigators Conference which was holding a special late night session on its final day in Paris, France.  He announced,  despite Hell being currently ruled by the Sorcerer Dimitri Diablo, he still had many allies there along with just about every Demon on Earth still worshiping him.  He boasted how he had just personally led a Platoon of demons, and warlocks into the camp for a surprise attack at a key moment after the Slender Man weakened the minds of many Demigods there.  The entire encampment was destroyed with great injury, and loss of life that included not only Demigods of varying percentages but also other mythical creatures along with practitioners of magic dedicated to the Gods cause.  It’s also reported that two unknown Gods, and a Goddesses were present in physical form but they appeared to be no match for the Arch-Demon Devil even in his weakened human like form.  One God was eradicated while the other God, and Goddess managed to escape with an unknown number of survivors.

The camp was engulfed in unholy flames as the Devil strolled away laughing maniacally with his troops in tow while commenting that this was far more fun than causing the Denver Broncos to lose the Super Bowl.  Demon causalities, and injuries weren’t as steep as the Demigods who fought valiantly against the forces of darkness. The Slender Man was seen teleporting away in the distance amid the Hell fires.  Camp Semideum is no more, and Olympian Priests have said Zeus is extremely angered by this unprovoked attack of cowardice.  He has challenged the Devil to a duel to the death.  It’s unknown if the Devil has responded to the challenge.  Zeus has also placed a bounty on The Slender Man’s head stating that, “This unholy freak of nature has hidden throughout the centuries like a snake in the grasses of Greece.  Now it’s time to put the abomination to rest at the foot of Olympus for the sake of humankind, and their benevolent Gods of protection.” Various other priests, mystics, physics, and seers have conveyed the outrage of all the Gods over this heinous act.

We first learned of this tragedy when the Devil forced everyone at the Paranormal Investigators Conference to view the disgusting video of the massacre on a Jumbotron.  All exits were mystically sealed.  Some at the conference, including a few Demigods present, attempted to attack the Devil but he swatted them away with a demonic telekinetic power.  Mystic Investigations very own Drake Alexander, a 5th generation vampire, charged the Devil in a rage getting a punch in but he was thrown through a brick wall.  The Devil scoffed,”Drake my child this hurts me more than it hurts you for my blood runs through your veins!”  Naturally, the rest of our team followed in kind with Rebecca Abernathy, a Demi-mermaid white witch, leading the way in vain as nobody was a match for the Archdemon.  However, Mystic Investigations President Xavier Remington, wielding a mystical sword discovered in 2012, was able to spill the Devils blood.  The Devil then bellowed forth,”You made me bleed my own blood on myself silly human!”  He telekinetically tossed Xavier aside as he continued his crazy cackling while attempting to pick the sword up.  Unfortunately for him it caused his hand to burn with a black steam rising.   Before disappearing in a burst of red fireworks, and black smoke he yelled,”Ah yes my misguided children I forgive your transgressions against me. You will all be bowing before me, and my future son, as your Dark Lords before the bloodiest of the Blood Moons of the coming Tetrad!”  Thankfully nobody was seriously injured.  The conference continued despite some being seriously shaken by the Satanic pretense.  The lucky ones in the lower echelon of the paranormal community who don’t really believe in the full spectrum of supernatural beings just thought the entire thing was some special effects theatrical event.

Our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost their lives, and loved ones in this most tragic of battles which is now being classified as the Second Battle Of Armageddon.  The first battle took place in Kazakhstan on Halloween 2013.  It’s prophesied there will be countless battles in the greater war of Armageddon that will see a final showdown between the various factions of good, and evil including Angels, Demons, Jinn, Gods, and much more!
