March 26, 2025
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13 years ago

I also believe that a certain degree of Evil entities are able to come at the strike of 3:00am. This is my own experience. When a daemon ever tries to visit me. It’s at 3am. Why? Legend has it that -3 AM is called the Witching Hour. It’s a mockery of Jesus’ time of death (3 PM). It’s supposed to be a sign of demonic forces and all. So perhaps we have two witching hours? What are your thoughts on this Admin?

13 years ago

Well .. I have. And he has not been to brutal to me. Only made himself physically known to me when My Aunt Kim – The Jehovah’s witness would come over. And she gave me her bible. I had it on my bed since I read before I sleep. He did not like it near me. Was a black mini tornado above my bed. wind in my room. I had a waterbed at that time and it was slapping lol what woke me. I was terrorized. I grabbed the bible and threw it against the wall. I said Hey .. That’s enough. Stop! Are you happy? I told them I did not want the damn thing to begin with so leave me the hell alone! 😉 True! They stopped. Just that I feel he owns me some how. Or in some way! He doesn’t want me apart of any religions. And to this day I am not! Surprised I am still sane. But they have been showing themselves to me since I was born. I’m very use to the unknown. There aren’t many things that frighten me anymore! The only thing that terrifies me is the loss of innocent humans. And if we were ever taken over by an evil race. Or by extraterrestrials. I do not know what my purpose is here. All I do know is that I am a protector!

Why would Lucifer be interested in me if I am of the light? A protector over innocents? I don’t understand.. Unless if he’s not as bad as what the Religions have stated. Perhaps the religions are the ones who are making wars with gods.. and are to blame. They created Satan. They started the wars. The hate what they don’t understand. From my own experiences I am finding out that they are wrong about allot! Not saying that Lucifer isn’t causing any trouble for them. I think they go after them for judging them. etc. I feel we all need a common ground of peace. Thank you!


[…] sun save your life, and drive away the nocturnal evils.  12:00 AM – 12:59 AM is the infamous Witching Hour, and 3:00 AM – 3:59 AM is known as the Devil’s Hour.  Those two hours in particular […]


[…] Ask Paranormal Questions Here?Manhattanhenge Solstice Ghost Watch | Paranormal Activity Forecast on What Is The Witching Hour & When Is It?whitewolf on Can Vampires Survive Being Baked Alive In An Oven?Kinadra on Ask Supernatural Questions […]


[…] Lake Trout, a glowing paranormal cousin of regular Lake Trout that only comes out during the Witching, and Devil’s Hours. They glow all the colors of the rainbow, and are quite tasty. I felt like […]


[…] the entire year.  The first hour of Halloween begins at Midnight tonight.  During this Halloween Witching Hour expect practitioners of dark magic to be conjuring up all manner of havoc that will last until the […]


[…] as far as the supernatural world is concerned it should be Midnight.  It in essence corrupts the Witching Hour, and effectively cancels it for July 1st.  For the most part this is a good thing since this is […]

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