I repeat, Drake the vampire has turned evil! His soul was cut off from his body, and now his demonic DNA guides him. This is normal for most vampires but a select few like Drake had the will to maintain a metaphysical connection with their human soul thus overriding the demon who started their vampire line. Henceforth he shall now be known as Dark Drake. This actually happened over a week ago, but we didn’t want to alarm anyone. More to come as this unfortunate situation develops!🧛
UPDATE: Although our Drake is good again, he was magically split into two bodies due to the Dark Drake being possessed by the Second Son Of Satan. Satan’s Son shall go into the world to find a suitable mate for the Devil as we prepare for his arrival on Earth to conceive the Dark Christ of destiny. The first son of Satan. The Anti-Christ!
Hello Xavier,.. Hopefully not for too long! Since I just sent more energy.. In high hopes that it will reach Drake in time! He should snap right into his body! If it works! Took allot out of me. Did you know that Meistiensos is also helping Drake on the other side? I sent them both energy of protection.. as well up North.
I hope that whitewolf helped!! I will send energy too, to help with whatever it can. Hopefully his soul will come back to him, if it hasn’t already.
Yes she helped. I’m afraid we’ve been so busy that we simply haven’t gotten around to chronicling everything that has happened from the Winter Solstice to Christmas. Drake is back to his normal self now. The short summary of what happened is that Dimitri Diablo possessed a Professor at magic school, and he used the dark power of Drakes mystic sword to cut him off from his soul. A Dark Drake formed from the demonic DNA, and the real Drake found himself in a dark void with Meistiensos. Both were contacting Whitewolf via our forum. At the magic school I found my own mystic sword. The Dark Drake went to the South Pole while I was the North Pole to place the swords in ancient stones that were conduits to the Goddess Gaia, the soul of the planet Earth. Drake, and Diablo merely wanted power but like me they weren’t interested in the Earth being destroyed. We deflected the cloaked rogue planet Nibiru, and also stopped a polar shift form occurring due to the galactic alignment. Then Dark Drake, and Diablo resurrected the Anti-Claus form his inter-dimensional prison, and headed to Santa Claus’s North Pole Village where all of the Mystic Investigations team was at the invitation of Santa himself. The trio of terror showed up there, and a battle took place. There Drake finally re-entered his body. However the power of the swords caused him to split into two distinct bodies. Now the Dark Drake is free out there. The Dark Drake is actually the Second Son Of Satan whose on a mission to find a suitable mate for the Devil so that the First Son Of Satan, the Anti-Christ can be born. The Anti-Claus, and Dark Drake are working together since the Anti-Claus is a loyal servant of the Devil. Diablo is on his own hell bent on taking over the planet, and the entire Universe. Meistiensos helped Drake return, and his spirit accidentally possessed an Elf. Santa Claus helped us extract Meistiensos who is good so as long as he isn’t in a body with demonic DNA. The spirit of Meistiensos was drawn into a special holy crystal crafted by Saint Nick himself. Now Meistiensos lies dormant until we can find a body to put him in. He had told Drake that he wanted to be a Merman since that would have been his fate so many thousands of years ago on Atlantis as the lost continent sank. Unfortunately a vampire got to him first, and the rest is history. Our Cryptozoologist Ashley Abercrombie is taking some of Rebecca’s and her Mother’s Mermaid DNA in an effort to create a Merman body. Magic will also be needed to make this happen. We’ve been at the North Pole since Christmas Eve, and we just got back to Woodland Springs yesterday.
That’s interesting. How did Dark Drake survive at the South Pole? During the winter solstice the sun is up 24 hours. It’s really great that you’ve been at the North Pole with Santa. I was able to see him once in a dream and I consider it an honor.
Yay!!! I am so happy he is ok! I hope my energy sending helped with something :p
I hope the Meistiensos thing goes well also 🙂
Is there any way I can help you guys with anything?
We have a back log of work due to being away so long in Scotland, and at the North Pole. Santa Claus extracted Meistiensos from the Elf, and places his consciousness in a special crystal. Ashley, and Rebecca are working on growing a Merman body for him in our laboratory. However it will take an amazing amount of magic, and energy to animate it before his essence can be placed within it. Any energy you can send would be a great help. Thanks!
I am very pleased to hear this. Meistiensos only wished for this very thing to happen for him. 🙂 I will send you as much energy as possible. I want him to be happy! Perhaps I can call upon the great god Posiden for his assistance in creating Meistiensos’s body. He’s very powerful.. And I have met him before! People the great gods of our past do in deed exist! You would be surprised. They only show themselves to those whom truly believe. So.. hold a positive outlook on life! Anything is possible. 🙂
My coven, and I have been calling upon a variety of Gods, and Goddesses to breath life into our great experiment. This includes Poseidon, Neptune, Lir, Nodens, and Varuna. Duanna is calling upon Nammu the Mesopotamian Goddess of the primeval sea.
I pray it is enough! I’m sure it is. Please let me know what happens. Meistiensos is a good soul. I’m sure he’ll make a very respectable Merman.
The Merman body is currently in the fetal stage in a large glass cylindrical tank in the very bowels of Mystic Investigations. We’ll keep you apprised of it’s growth.
AnDarga is in a parallel universe where a state exists called “Bayonlia”. I’m his son and I’m filling in for AnDarga hopefully we’ll get along.
Is Bayonlia near water? Such as Great Lakes State or on one of the ocean coasts? I’m getting a faint vision of it. Also is there more freedom in that alternate version of the United States?
It has more freedom and more kinder people than in the united states itself. They have it’s own economy.
It’s AnDagra again! So my 1 day visit to Bayonlia is like this: I took a stroll around the street where my Butler (BELIVE IT!!!) Billiam lives, went to his car (a futuristic model of a new car from tomota of tomoya; black clean and nice and easy to be in), it was off the chain then I ate a good Burger. At that street he took me my would-be-if-i-live-there mansion where I am cool. then (I didn’t get enough sleep lately) I slept in my master bed. It was extremely comfortable and roomy there. When I woke up I saw my dad and I hugged him tightly (I haven’t seen my father in psychical form before this was the first time) he had brown eyes, shoulder-length brown hair and a bulky appearance. I’ve tried a lot of things: peppermint frosting, goose, baked Alaska (strawberry), and much more. We also had a belching contest: I let a mimicryof Wakko’s Bosch but my dad let a big Burl that won the contest easily!! Then I went outside at night under the Waxing Crescent moon to play tag with my dad, and we wrestle to the ground and I won (though he told me that he let me win) then finally I got to play a video game. Then I was (wooooooo seeded!! I’m still full from that pound cake) playing hide and seek with him and he won. He’s very kind and funny but is extremely eccentric. And at the end I said my goodbyes to bill and my dad did too. I’m still looking forward to watching a aquarium underwater. The rest is 100% history. AUTOMATIC
So did your consciousness leap into your parallel self, and temporarily suppressed the consciousness of that body. Or did was your parallel self conveniently gone so you assumed his identity. Or perhaps you chloroformed your parallel self, and stashed yourself in your trunk?
I had a strange dream that involved Meistiensos. There was a group that ws rounding up some people and they were really interested in Meistiensos because of what he did. I told them that he wasn’t the same but they didn’t care. I’m hoping it wasn’t a vision of the future but I’m afraid that it may be.
There was a nefarious group of vampires, and practitioners of magic who were trying to resurrect Meistiensos. Those who were followers of Wraith the vampire we killed who wanted a vampire apocalypse. If he gets a body again, and word gets out it’s most likely they will seek him out as their leader to continue the quest for global vampire domination.
The thing is the people in my dream weren’t looking for Meistiensos so he could be their leader. I think they were regular humans who were rounding up supernatural beings who they said were dangerous. At least that’s what I think from what I remember. Can anyone either confirm or debunk this?
Julia hasn’t seen anything. Was he a vampire or a Merman in your vision?
I didn’t see him but from me saying that he wasn’t the same I’m guessing he wasn’t a vampire.
Whitewolf you said that he was a insane maniac who can’t learn anything else than to be insane himself. what changed?