On the night of Halloween Eve a group of nefarious supernatural figures, including sorcerers, witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, zombies, and other entities of evil, with allegiances to the Devil gathered at the infamous Devil’s Pentagram near Tobol, Kazakhstan to perform an unholy ritual. A ritual to resurrect the Devil in a pure Demonic biological form so that he could directly father the prophesied Anti-Christ with a specially chosen mother. We had naturally assumed it would be a dark witch but in a shocking turn of events it was the mysterious Halloween Hybrid. The only known Angel-Demon Hybrid who rules Halloween behind the scenes keeping a fair balance between good, and evil on All Hallows Eve. In an extensive plan that took place over decades the Devil himself orchestrated the kidnapping of what we now know to be the leader of Halloween who is named Shala. Her abduction is what disrupted the Spirit Of Halloween, and made the joyous celebrations in some areas in the world seem lackluster. Read The Rest Of The Story Here >>>
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November 28, 2024
I wish the best to you mystic investigations & Shala!! I like that name
I only hope that the Angels will get rid of the bounty on Shala’s head. She’s never been more exposed. Hopefully the demons are too busy with Diablo to continue their own vendetta against her. I’m sure the Devil wants to find her.
Why the hell wont the devil stop?! he’s hated by almost all of us, he is a terrible existence & he’s pure evil!! will Armegddom still happen though & yes I’ll wait for that answer.
This was only the first battle in the war of Armageddon. Other battles will probably take place without the general public knowing about it. Like the Devil so many of our politicians are hated yet they refuse to go away. I guess some people are just selfish, and can only think about their own ambitions, and dark agendas.
Wow.. omg! That was so close! I’m happy you all are safe. Yes thank you Shala. 🙂 I’m also very happy to hear that Meistiensos is alive and well. Not to mention.. Dimitri must be tickled to have taken over Hell again! So the Devil has powers yet? Can he tel-port through any Parallel Universe? or is he stripped of all power?
Thank you so much all of you! For saving us again!! I hope this is the end to more wars. At least for a very long time. Stay sweet’.. 🙂 ~Cheers to you all!
Thanks! It was the most dangerous, and difficult battle we’ve ever been in despite being apart of a supernatural army of about 500 men, and women.
Man that Shala had to seriously be the hottest chick I’ve ever seen in my life…ah well of course next to Rebecca, and you that is. 😉 She has a calming presence over both the forces of good, and evil. Now that we know some things about her it may be possible to locate the Halloween Island slightly out of phase with this reality where she lives. It will be most possible next Halloween.
Shala should take over Hell. I’m not sure Diablo is any much better than the Devil but hopefully he’ll be preoccupied with the demon uprisings taking place in Hell as we speak. That will certainly keep the demons busy as well so they can give the possessions, and power dispensing to evil a rest.
The Devil seems to have powers somewhere in between a biological form demon, and demi-demon. It’s hard to say if he would be borderline on the parallel Universe teleporting. He did fly away from the battle rather than teleport but his powers might increase after resting for a while. I feel bad for any innocents who runs across him.
Meistiensos is actually staying at Drakes house with Duanna. He doesn’t seem to be evil anymore but every so often he slips up. I guess you would call that vampire nature since many vampires fall prey to their demonic DNA.
😉 hahaha’ .. I hope I’ll get to meet Shala as well. One day! She sounds like she has allot going on. Especially with the Devil wanting to mate with her. Yeah’ I would be pretty scared to run into the Devil right now. Since he’s probably very pissed off! Losing his throne to Dimitri. I wonder how he’s doing in the under world. I know he lives for war! Seems to be his specialty! 😉
Yes’ I am so pleased to hear Meistiensos is alive and well. Good he’s trying to change. Very proud of him. And thank you for your sweet compliment Xavier. That the three of us are beautiful.. awe! 🙂
I have missed you.. I do know how busy you get. So whenever you have the time.. shoot me a letter. No rush! After that battle.. I would say take some time off! And relax.. Get Rebecca to have some drinks with you in the Jacuzzi.. skinny dip! 😉 lol
Hugz~ :))
Yes I’m sure all of us, including Xavier, and Drake, will skinny dip in the Mystical Forest with the playful Water Nymphs very soon! I’ve become great friends with them since I’m the closest thing to a Mermaid they’ve come in contact with being so far from the ocean, and all.
Meistiensos is with Duanna at her palace in Turkey in an effort to help him get his blood lust under control. The Demon Dagon possessing him allowed Meistiensos to internally compare himself to said evil demon. He came to the realization that he needs to get himself under control so he can assure his eternal life on Earth. However some of Duanna’s vampire siblings think Meistiensos is just fine as they are like most vampires who feel they are free to feed upon humanity as they please.
Hello Rebecca,.. 🙂 How are you doing? I heard about what happened to you in that alley! 🙁 I’m so glad you’re okay!
And the people who broke into your home? Good they went to jail.. the creed-ins. Right now I’m in Milwaukee WI. Out of town till Sunday. Business trip. 😉
Very good to hear that Meistiensos is trying to control his Demonic DNA. Being a 2nd generation Vampire can’t be easy! I couldn’t imagine how hard it is. I know he’s in very good hands.. Duanna is the sweetest! 🙂 I’m sure she’ll whip him into shape. How is that woman doing?
I’ve had no word from Dimitri. Since he’s probably way too busy now. 😉 Also, Slender has not contacted me in some time. No news is great.. lol
I hope you all are doing well there. I miss you guys. Keep safe and know that you’re all in my thoughts. & my heart as well. 🙂
One day I hope soon! I’ll get to visit Hawaii. How beautiful it is there. So damn romantic. Hug Drake fore me as well.
Hi Angela! I hope you’re doing well? Yes we always love going to Hawaii. I feel a lot safer swimming in the Pacific Ocean rather then the Atlantic, or Caribbean Sea where I have to worry about the Atlantean Mermaid royalty kidnapping me.
That’s what I get for taking the garbage out in the alley. I should have just thrown it into the next booth at the Para-Con conference. It was just two quacks selling some ghost buster gun that was basically a toy rather than a real weapon. After we called them out on it they got angry, and said,”Don’t screw with our sales!”. Then they ignored us the whole time. From now on Xavier, or Drake can take the damn trash out to the dumpster! 🙂
Admittedly I had some fun messing with those guys who broke into my house. Although I did think about handing them over to the Amazonians as we have with others. Unfortunately they’re kind of at their limit for male criminal slaves. There’s female members of the supernatural community from around the world who have been sending them prisoners.
Milwaukee? I went there once, and it’s a hell hole! Of course not anywhere as bad as Detroit but I guess I really hate cities to begin with. It was back in the old days when Xavier, Michael, and I traveled about the country taking paranormal cases. We all grew up in rural areas so we can end up helpless in urban settings when it comes to finding our way around. We were hired to discreetly take care of a haunting at the Milwaukee Public Museum. It turned out to actually be a reanimated mummy rather than a haunting. We got lost for three hours by the chaotic insanity of all the street signs pointing in every direction. We asked for directions a couple of times, and the last time we ended up being robbed by a gang of punks. Well they tried anyway. We mopped the pavement with them! Xavier said,”To hell with this man. Lets blow this hell hole!” But I calmed him down, and we eventually found the Museum where we spent the next three days sleeping there at night. After we dispatched the Egyptian mummy who was being reanimated by a night watchman/wizard. It turned out the real night watchman was tied, and gagged in a storage locker in the sub-basement. After the case was over we got our $1000 pay, and sped out of that city as quick as possible. Okay we actually crawled through the snail slow traffic, and got lost again. We finally made it to open country in two hours. We then went to visit Xavier, and Michael’s parents in Washington Island. I took a skinny dip in Lake Michigan. Xavier’s Father kept staring at me for some reason. 🙂 His mother asked why I was swimming in the filthy lake. They thought for sure I’d get sick especially after I kept gulping the water down.
Duanna is doing great. She’s happy to have the opportunity to assuage her guilt about having a hand in locking Meistiensos away in that tomb for so many centuries. Her, and Father Tom have given their relationship a break. I guess he’s having another moral crisis. Conflicted about Duanna’s free spirited lifestyle flying in the face of his Catholic faith.
Yes I heard Diablo is battling many demonic factions vying for control along with the Devil’s royal family trying to take Hell back. I suppose he wouldn’t have time to make an inter-dimensional communication to you. As for Slenderman he doesn’t seem like the chatty type. He was here on Halloween. Zack was faced with potentially having to take him on alone as Slender targeted some tick o treaters. Thankfully we think the Slenderman Assassin scared him off.
After I typed the last sentence above I got up to hug Drake for you! 😉 He was at the copy machine making copies. Seth, Ashley’s Werewolf boyfriend, and our new research assistant was sitting there doing that Rob Schneider Making Copies thing. “The Drakester, the Drakeinator, the Drakemeister making copies. Drake!” Drake just ignored him. Then I came in, and said,”We don’t pay you to do bad Rob Schneider impressions Sethinator!” After I hugged Drake, and walked out of the room I heard Drake say,”Seth what’s your blood type? I’m hungry.” I never heard a reply from Seth. :).
Whitewolf where have you been all this time?
Hello AnDagra,.. How have you been? Anything new going on? I’m doing good. The reason I’ve been away so long? Been moving and contending with teenagers! 😉 That alone has really kept me busy. I worry way too much! lol
Other than that.. Nothing much happening here. Not like what Mystic Investigations has been going through.
Have a great weekend AnDagra. 🙂
I’ve realized yesterday that Armegddom will come no matter what and those who say it will not come are lying!
Hopefully it won’t come anytime soon! 🙂
Things have changed.
What will happen if I turn evil, Julia? and what will the future hold if I turn evil?
I fear that I’m becoming evil!
Oh crap! Andagra’s evil split personality twin Touhou is manifesting!
Help all of us please if I’ve become evil. Seriously though is there a a split personality or are you joking around? Julia I AM desperate & Serious about this situation.
Could it be that I’m possessed by a demon though?
If you’re possessed by a demon it must be a weak one. Otherwise your parents would be getting an exorcist or committing you to a mental institution.
Okay, as long as human who ascended to deityhood have a choice in wether they can ascend to angelhood anytime & anywhere in order to ascend to Omniverse Godhood, it’s all good with me. Just saying.