September 7, 2024
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12 years ago

I hope I never see zombies in my life time. I’ll have to invest in a large flame thrower.

12 years ago

If I ever come up against a real zombie. I’ll esp Drake to come save me! 🙂 lol My Hero! 😉

Drake Alexander
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

You shouldn’t worry about zombies. They can easily be ripped apart by vampires, and werewolves. Their rotting flesh is their weakness. I’m sure you could even deliver a concentrated burst of energy at one, and cause it to explode. Just shield yourself from the paranormally diseased flesh. I hope you weren’t about to eat!

12 years ago

LOL No I’m fine. Just that I seriously never thought they existed and now I do. So when I watched a zombie movie the other night on Netflix. I got scared. 😉 Never did before! Oh well. I’m sure there are worse things than zombies to worry about.

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