December 18, 2024
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12 years ago

That is really interesting. I’ve recently lost a female German shepherd. I’ve seen her many times in my dreams. She was in bad places. I had to get her out of there. Finally I took her to the red woods. She loved it.. She always loved to run in the woods. I was hoping she could be reborn as a wolf. I have not seen her since. 4 months ago was the last dream. I also have seen a barn full of all the pets I’ve ever owned. Horses, cats, dogs. even my cocketiels. I was crying. They were all there and happy. I only was there once. I wonder if they will be there when I ever cross over? I’m not afraid of death. More afraid of the ones I love dieing. I know what’s on the other side. It’s not so bad in the right places.

12 years ago

It’s a good feeling to know I will see them again! I’m just not ready to go yet! 🙂 Although I’ll probably be with James Dean once I do cross over. He’s amazing! It is true! Jimmy is the best friend you never had. I have never met a man so devoted and sweet! I only wish I could pull him here and keep him all to myself! 🙂 It’s against the rules. He’d probably be upset if I never cross over. Since we planned on spending some time together in the afterlife. It is a very long story how I met him. I promised I would not say. So I won’t. 🙂 Just know he’s the best! He loves frogs too. 🙂 He likes to drive an old truck in the after life as well. k I better not say anymore! lol Thank you for your kind words Drake and all who have replied to my posts. I do appreciate it.

12 years ago

I don’t think many are ever ready to check out!

10 years ago

Can animals possess psionic powers? (Ex: a black cat has the power of telekinesis & hyperchronokinesis)

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