Car Disappears From Highway In A Flash

What appears to be a highway with a disappearing car is actually a roadway simulated test track at a top secret Illuminati facility in Southern Italy. That’s why the CCTV camera footage has very little information on it except for the time minus seconds, and the date of May 4th, 2014. It’s a private camera rather than a government surveillance unit. The Illuminati are a secret cabal of plutocratic elites who rules over all the nations of the world via their multinational corporations that have deep influence in government. This global shadow government is called the New World Order.

They are also in league with reptilian extraterrestrials who actually evolved from dinosaurs on our planet millions of years ago with the aid of demonic forces. These aliens had left Earth after a catastrophic meteor caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some returned in the 20th century, and joined forces with the Illuminati for the purposes of global domination, and enslavement of humankind. Various top secret research facilities around the world, such as the one seen in the video, are utilized to test Extraterrestrial technology in real life situations. In this case teleportation technology for the purposes of abducting anyone who could be a threat to their master plans!

The Vanishing Car

Highway Car Teleportation

The above video footage was smuggled out of the top-secret Italian facility courtesy of a janitor who shall remain nameless.  He witnessed unspeakable horrors taking place within the facility with what he described as “unholy technology”.  As a devout Christian who could no longer stand by the atrocities he decided to quit his job.  He acquired the footage above on a computer memory stick accidentally thrown away.  He had hoped releasing the footage on the internet would cause people to ask questions but the Illuminati cover their tracks as usual.  Once again the video has been branded a fake as many are in order to cover the truth from the general public.  Hopefully this alien teleportation technology won’t be used as a weapon against the general populace!


ET UFO Teleports Car From Main Street North Dakota

On November 7, 2014 security cam footage was posted on Youtube of a car in Cavalier, North Dakota disappearing in a flash of light (Car pictured at left moments before its paranormal disappearance).  It was classified by many as an extraterrestrial UFO abduction.  After an extensive paranormal investigation it indeed appears that the dark-colored sedan in the video above was teleported by the aliens known as Greys from the Gliese 581 star system.  These are the short skinny grey colored aliens with large heads, big eyes, and long limbs known for their kidnapping, and experimentation on humans.

The Alarming Alien Abduction!

UFO Aductees

The vehicle contained an unidentified male, and female who were abducted according to our supernatural sources in contact with the extraterrestrial species we know as the Greens.  The Greens are a friendly extraterrestrial species that are cousins of the Greys.  While the Greys mission is eventual domination of Earth mostly by forced interbreeding with us, the Greens are here only to stop their misguided cousins.

Aliens Are Among Us!

UFO Abduction

This advanced teleportation incident occurred on November 6th, 2014 between 1st Avenue and Division Avenue at approximately 1:42 AM Central Standard Time.   The time was confirmed by the few people in vicinity who recall seeing the blinding light flash of the teleportation process.  It’s unknown why the Greys chose to teleport the entire vehicle rather than just the two occupants.  Most likely they were experimenting with a more powerful teleportation device.  The device that de-materialized the car, and it’s human occupants into energy.  The light flash (pictured at the right) was the massive photon release of an explosive surge of electromagnetic radiation contained by a force field.  A common characteristic of alien teleportation devices, the radiation was still slightly read on a Geiger Counter a few days after the incident.  In an instant the terrified human couple would have found themselves materialized into a dark foreboding metallic chamber within an extraterrestrial vessel high in the stratosphere.  At this point we can only hope for their safe return.  Even if that happens the physical, and mental trauma of abduction, and experimentation will live with them forever!

Since there is very little mainstream news about this along with no indications of a missing persons report for the Cavalier, ND area some have said this must be a hoax.  No it’s just the government covering up UFO activity to prevent public panic.  The US Paranormal Defense Agency was probably made immediately aware of the incident via the NSA spy grid.  Certainly an abnormal flash of blinding light appearing on a security camera feed would get an AI supercomputer’s attention.  There were reports of men dressed in black suits canvassing the area wearing sunglasses which is their trademark uniform. We’re not sure why they make themselves so obvious?  Probably an intimidation tactic to silence witnesses.  Fortunately for us someone managed to smuggle out the video footage above, and post it on the internet where it can never be contained.


Syrian Goddess Atargatis Manifests In A Bewitchingly Beautiful Form


After an extensive investigation, we have discovered that the infamous ancient Goddess Of Syria, Atargatis, has returned to Earth in a beguiling physical form that is currently enchanting many thousands of viewers on Youtube.  She goes by the name of “Syrian Girl” presumably to adhere to The Supernatural Secrecy Pact.  Her mission seems to be the exposure of the New World Order and saving the citizens of Syria who she adores.  Despite the lack of worship in modern times, she promised the ancient Syrians who worshiped her that she’d always protect them, and their ancestors for all time to the best of her abilities.  However, like other Earthly Gods, their power fades in this reality as worships declines since the power of human pure thought via their souls nourishes the Gods and Goddesses.  Now the strife in Syria has led to many calling out for help from the Heavens.  Atargatis, aka Syrian Girl, has heard the cries, and with all the power of her sheer will, she materialized within our reality ready to do what she can.

With limited powers, she cannot simply take down the vast sea of evildoers who torment her people.   Her current powers are more localized and akin to an amazing super-human. She has gone out onto the streets and taken down several dozen armed men at a time but that just isn’t enough.  So she started a Youtube channel and is currently utilizing her amazing charm, and enchanting beauty to educate the masses on the real stories behind the violence in Syria, and around the world.  All of which are linked to the NWO, and the nations they control.  As the legend of Syrian Girl and her true Goddess identity grow so does her power.  It’s only a matter of time before the human believers refuel her Goddess powers, and allow her to exact vengeance on those who would wish her Syrian brothers, and sisters ill will.

The Factions Of Supernatural Evil Amass Power As The Forces Of Good Prepare For A Fight

Rumors indicate she is in talks with other Earthy Gods, which include various Pagan, Greek, Roman, and others.  The ancient Gods aren’t happy with the Illuminati, including their demon, and alien allies, who wish to drake the globe in a cloak of eternal darkness that will wipes out the vast majority of humankind, and enslave the rest forever.  The Gods and Goddesses feel this is their planet, and their people to rule over in a mostly benevolent manner.  Certainly, the Earth itself, the body of the Goddess Gaia, has had enough of the Illuminati’s evil corporations, and governments desecrating her while also creating hell on Earth for countless humans in third world countries.  This is why we see ever-growing Earthquakes and violent weather around the planet.  As Armageddon comes to a head the various paranormal factions fight for global supremacy.  They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The Heavenly Faction: Including the Omniversal God, and Angels.  Many human, and supernatural forces of good stand with them ready to serve the cause as well.  On Earth, the recognized leader is Santa Claus.
  • The Illuminati Faction:  Which is lead by the Devil, and his demonic minions.  On Earth, human royals, and billionaires are his instrument for destruction.  This includes the various mega multinational corporations and banks which control many of the governments on Earth.  Reptilian aliens from Andromeda originally evolved on ancient earth, have t thrown their hat in with them as well.  The vampire royals and other evil paranormal entities also back them as well.
  • The Earthly Gods Faction:  They have yet to unify, and define a command structure since Gods don’t often get along well with their huge egos, and delusions of grandeur due to the power they wield.
  • The Anti-Claus Faction: Santa’s Clauses evil twin brother, and his magical minions wish to rule Earth as well.
  • The Dimitri Diablo Faction:  He wishes to take over the planet virtually alone with his amazing Sorcery powers.  However, he does have allies as well.
  • Extraterrestrial Factions:  Various other aliens wish to take over Earth.  This includes the infamous alien abductors known as the Grey’s who recently seemed willing to work with the Illuminati.
  • Inter-dimensional Being Factions: This includes the Jinn, aka unbottled-unlamped Genies, sometimes seen as shadow people in our dimension.  There are also other beings of unknown origin.

So as you can see Syrian Goddess Girl has her work cut out for her in this dangerous paranormal planet infested with forces of evil hell-bent on destroying humanity, and the jewel of the Milky Way, Goddess Gaia Planet Earth.  We wish Atargatis all the best in her quest to save Syria, and humankind as well.  We here at Mystic Investigations stand ready to enter in battle with her at our side to repel the factions of diabolical forces whose nefarious plans must be halted at all costs to save us all!
