United States Freemasonry Roots Exposed In US House

Diane Reidy, an official US House Of Representatives stenographer, who had never displayed any hint of erratic behavior suddenly approached the podium in the US House Of Representatives on the evening of October 16, 2013, to declare that the Constitution had been written by Free Masons. Here is Diane’s exact speech:

“He will not be mocked
He will not be mocked
The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God
It never was
Had it been, it would not have been
No, it would not have been
The constitution would not have been written by Freemasons
They go against God
You cannot serve two masters
You cannot serve two masters

 Praise be to God, Lord Jesus Christ”
…More Inaudible Words…

A Brief Public Exposure Of The Illuminati

Illuminati Free Mason Chess

Freemasonry is a secret lower order of the Illuminati, which are plutocratic billionaire royal elites who control the governments, and economies of the world through their central banks, and multinational corporations. The entire control mechanism is a secret global shadow government called the New World Order. The Illuminati is also known to work with supernatural forces of evil which chiefly include the demons of the Devil who they worship.  Diane’s words were true since some of the Founding Fathers were in fact Free Masons. This is not surprising since the Illuminati were notorious for funding both sides in a war and placing false controlled oppositions in place everywhere they could in an effort to control the entire global chessboard of politics, economics, and social orders. This strategy of only choosing their side while playing all sides against each other only increased their wealth, and power over the centuries.

Clearly, they had loyal operatives in place even in advance of the US Revolutionary War since the main stronghold of Illuminati power is in Great Britain. It’s also rather apparent that the Freemason framers of the Constitution fought to make sure certain safe guards, and wording was left out of the US Constitution to ensure that the New World Order could continue controlling the American colonies. From that point on tyranny was slowly incrementally re-installed, and freedoms taken away over the last few hundred years. That slow process recently began accelerating greatly after 9/11/2001, and especially even more so since 2009. In the beginning, the USA was the freest nation ever seen on Earth, and this made us grow rapidly into the most powerful nation on Earth. It made an excellent tool for the NWO to use in their quest for global domination. The American Empire is in essence the heart of the Illuminati New World Order Empire.  Thanks to some of these traitorous Freemason founders that made the Constitution purposely vague, and easy for multiple interpretations we are now heading down the dark road of potential eternal Earth-wide tyranny due to the immense power the US government has around the world.

Some have called Diane Reidy a hero while others identify her as a religious nut since her short speech did come off as a rant of sorts. In fact some have said she was under some type of mind control since this behavior is unlike anything seen from the long time US House worker. Witnesses indicate she was normal and then appeared to go into some type of trance as she walked to the podium in a robot-like manner. A white-haired man was seen talking to her just before she got up from her usual seat, and he didn’t seem phased by the spectacle as he appeared to text someone on a cell phone.

Mystic Investigations has just learned that this white-haired man was an Anti-Illuminati operative and that Diane was already under some form of Illuminati mind control as some in Congress are. This unnamed operative altered the brainwashing for Anti-Illuminati purposes. The Anti-Illuminati are a clandestine group of nouveau riche billionaires who oppose the centuries-old Illuminati families continued efforts to geo-engineer the planet along with socially engineering the culture in a destructive manner, and robbing the populace of all wealth, and power to rule over itself. The Anti-Illuminati like the planet, and humanity the way it is. Just as the Illuminati work with demons so does the Anti-Illuminati work with Earthly Gods(Celtic, Greek, Roman, etc.). There are also some rumored sympathetic Angels who have gone against Heaven’s non-interference order. The same Angels who respond to rare Enochian Magic.

The Anti-Illuminati just want everyone to be free, and live in peace. Their organization generally looks to thwart, and reverse New World Order plans along with exposing them to the world while trying to remain hidden. Most members of the AI pretend to be loyal NWO members and even act evil at the various parties, and meetings so as to blend in with the nefarious elites. Their ultimate goal is to see a global revolution for the independence of humanity, preferably peaceful, as they are from many nations of the world. They then would like to see all nations set up iron-clad Constitutional Republics free of corporatism, and corruption with a real capitalist economy. These glorious bastards, and their allies, risking their lives for humanity could someday be the founding fathers of a new freer United States, and Earth that will surge forth in enlightenment to the stars, and beyond!  What We The People Of Earth do now could affect countless trillions of extraterrestrial beings from across the galaxy, and beyond just as our complacency in the United States has negatively affected a great deal of the planet.


Enochian Angel Magic Averted Mcdonalds Shooting

Enochian Angel MagicWe have concluded our investigation of the miracle in the Fort Worth, Texas McDonald’s in which 24 year old Jestin Joseph attempted to allegedly murder several people but inexplicably failed.  On September 25, 2013 he pulled out his gun in the McDonald’s restaurant, and began squeezing the trigger while pointing it directly at employees, and customers as witnessed in surveillance video footage.  Only a clicking sound could be heard as the gun refused to fire for the would be robber.  However when he went outside he was able to get a shot off.  He then re-entered the establishment, and attempted to fire at random people again but the gun re-jammed.  Despite firing the trigger multiple times not one shot was let loose inside the building.  Many are hailing it a miracle of God but there was also the chance of other mystical forces along with the possibility that this was simply the parallel Universe where the gun refused to fire due to a roll of random cosmological dice.

After a thorough paranormal investigation we found that one of the customers in that McDonald’s was a special witch who practices the rare enchanting art of Enochian Magic.  Enochian magic calls upon sympathetic Angels for mystical powers rather than the usual calling of Earthly Gods considered Pagan by some.  The witch in question, who wished to remain anonymous, had been involved in an intense Angelic summoning ritual mere minutes before the incident when she decided to take a break down at Mickey D’s.  So she explains that Angels were all around her from this ritual, and she prayed for them to intervene.  Normally Angels only intervene upon orders from Heaven.  All within that McDonald’s were safe from harm as a temporary Angelic protection spell was imbued upon the entire building.

This was verified by a local supernatural investigations team that descended upon the scene later, after the restaurant closed, to detect residual Ultraviolet radiation signatures. This unique UV radiation is given off by Angels manifesting in our reality.  Most non-corporeal entities, such as ghosts, or poltergeists,  give off electromagnetic energy in the radio, or microwave range.  This is why Angels can be seen by birds, fish, incests,  and some other animals but not by humans.  If anyone had been harassed by a fly, or some other bug, in that place it’s a fair bet the fly ceased it’s assault at that point in the presence of the Angels.  There have been reports of killer bee attacks halting while the bees are mesmerized by the Angelic UV EMF light.

The alleged robber Joseph currently faces five charges of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon and is locked away on a $500,000 bond.  He would be facing far worse had the Angels not jacked his gun up!


The Devil’s Pentagram Near Tobol Kazakhstan

The video above exposed a diabolical pentagram near Tobol, Kazakhstan which had some odd markers listed in Google Maps which includes Seal Of The Devil 81694 BC, Adam, and Lucifer. Sometime later the annotations were removed as seen in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx1abzWQMq4. We at Mystic Investigations viewed the unaltered map, and the video creator is telling the truth.  After some research Mystic Investigations discovered mention in an ancient scroll of a covenant being struck the first human royalty, and the Devil himself. Royalty that went on to rule over the first great human civilization of Lemuria which had amazing technology while humanity on the rest of the planet was crawling around in the mud for grubs. The royals pact was to pledge allegiance to Lucifer the Devil, and in turn, destroy humankind on a variety of levels so they would be ripe for the picking when Armageddon came to pass. The Adam annotation that used to be on the map represents humanity in the equation.

The Devil’s Covenant

Seal Of The Devil

This covenant was sealed in blood with the personal presence of Lucifer on the pentagram located at coordinates 52.479827,62.185836 in the year 81694 BC with a group of evil primitive humans. Humans that were to receive mystical aid in retaining power through the generations on the condition that they worship the Devil, and cooperate to the fullest with his demonic minions in the ultimate acquisition of Earth, and humanity in general. This royalty exists today as the Illuminati plutocratic elite of billionaire royalty who rule over the Earth via a shadow government known as the New World Order. It’s interesting that Kazakhstan in general has been building many magnificent cities, and futuristic structures despite not having the budget to do so. Many of these structures aren’t even used.  It’s been suggested that the plutocrats divert their funds there because it will be their global capital someday when their world take over is complete, and out in the open.

It’s also quite a coincidence that we see this now because of the prophesied conception of the Anti-Christ planned for this Halloween 2013. We didn’t have a location but it seems quite likely this would be the location for the emergence of a biological Devil from Hell as well as the consummation location for the hellspawn himself.  Although with this information leaked plans might change.  We will keep this paranormal pentagram under surveillance with local supernatural agents to see what goes on there.
