The Mysterious Hauntings Across America
The video above takes a look at various unexplained cases of paranormal hauntings across the United States. Whether they be spirits of the dead, demons, or other supernatural phenomenon.
Tooth Fairy Poses As Dental Hygienist
If you’re a frequent visitor of Mystic Investigations then you know that Tooth Fairies are real. The one in the video above apparently isn’t getting enough stray teeth via private…
Season 2 Finale Of Hannibal The TV Series
The 2014 Finale of Hannibal, another take on the infamous serial killing cannibal, was a particularly well done psychological thriller–horror masterpiece. Something not usually seen on television. If you don’t…
Hot Chicks At A Halloween Pumpkin Farm
Nothing says Halloween than cute girls, and cute little animals frolicking about the pumpkin farm!
President Frank Underwood Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare
The above video is a cool preview of the upcoming video game release of Call Of Duty Advance Warfare. Although we like to call it the future of President Frank…