The Spine Chilling Spider-Canine Hybrid
If one could imagine the most horrifying creature to come scurrying from the dark shadows of a moon lit night we’re sure a large spider-dog hybrid would be at the…
The TV Series Now And Again Finally On DVD!
Another in a long line of excellent sci-fi series prematurely canceled by silly out of touch network executives. Now And Again ran for only one season on CBS from September…
Student Sent Home First Day Of School For Little Mermaid Hair Color
WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL An Alabama high school student was sent home on the first day of school for having a distracting hair color. The color…
Kidnapped By A Friendly Vampire
Even vampires who fight the evil urges of their demonic DNA have been known to kidnap humans for a quick blood fix. Generally they will hypnotically compel them to forget…
Unusual Halloween Zucchini Gummy Candy Treats
Kids will devour this delicious gummy candy, and not even realize they’re actually eating a vegetable!
What Has Become Of The Ancient Gods?
Uma Thurman, aka Goddess Hera wife of Zeus, is depressed over her existence as a mundane Goddess in the modern monotheistic world that no longer worships her. The Earthly Gods,…