What Does Santa Claus Do In The Summer?

Around June 1st Santa’s children, Nick, Jr., and Mary, finish attending North Pole School until Autumn. Then he and Mrs. Claus take the kids on a Summer Vacation to a number of locations on Earth. Even sometimes back in time! They return before June 20th. On June 21st Santa hosts a solemn Summer Solstice ceremony celebrating the longest day of holy light for the year. Within the land of the Midnight Sun, there is no sunset or sunrise. Various Nature Deities attend including top-notch Summer Goddesses, Nymphs, Fairies, and Elves. Santa’s Enchanted Elves always love visiting with their Summer Elfin brothers. There is also a limited elf exchange where a handful of Santa’s Elves work to maintain the Summer landscape in various places on Earth while some Summer Elves work on making toys. This usually lasts for a few weeks.

The Summer Solstice Ceremony occurs within a Stonehenge-like structure created by Santa and his Elves many centuries ago. Within the center of the stone monoliths is a carefully crafted crystal linked to the infamous Christmas Crystal that powers North Pole City and Christmas itself. As the Sun reaches its Zenith it appears to merge with the holy Christmas Star that always shines brightly in the skies over North Pole City. It’s the only star that is physically within Earth’s atmosphere. Its Heavenly light joins directly with the Holy Sun to create a light beyond light. This super light is focused into the crystal and then into the Christmas Crystal providing a surge of paranormal power! This reinvigorates The Christmas Spirit which is at its lowest in the dead of the Summer. The Christmas Star dances in unison with the Sun for most of the Summer as it gradually returns to its own orbit to offset the ever-growing darkness as autumn approaches.

Christmas In July

In the summer heat of July, the last thing on our minds is the joy of brisk snowy Christmas. However, the term Christmas in July was started by Santa Claus. It was a way for people to think about Christmas within the Human Collective Consciousness to aid in reigniting The Christmas Spirit.  It also allows kids to start being on their best behavior if they weren’t already. Only the nicest kids get the best gifts on Christmas Eve! Santa begins his preparations for the monumental Christmas season in the middle of Summer. Once well-rested from his June Vacation he and his Elves get to the business of making Christmas magic.

The Naughty Or Nice List Is Compiled


Although there are some Elfin observations of kids after Christmas the real judgment of their behavior, in fact, begins in July. All to determine if they’ve been naughty or nice. This is not a literal judgment of the soul which is left only to the God of the Omniverse. Rather it’s a literal observation of how the child behaves during the Summer and into the school month of September.  This short window is crucial to whether or not your child will get a gift or a lump of coal in their stocking on Christmas Eve. So be sure to encourage your kids to be on their best behavior! By October, the heart of Halloween, the final Naughty Or Nice List is compiled.

Top 100 Christmas Toys

The Summer Christmas Planning Session

Summer planning sessions track toy and decoration trends thus determining a course of action for any given Christmas season. New toys are designed and ready for magical manufacturing as Autumn approaches. The logistics of paranormal packing into Santa’s toy sack and global one-night delivery are also discussed. Preliminary statistics are compiled based on last year’s Naughty Or Nice List with the presumption of little change. Mrs. Claus also works with Santa and the Elves to prepare for tourists during November and December. There are plans for festivities and decorations that cover every part of North Pole City.

The Everlasting Effort To Aid And Protection Humankind!


During the Summer Santa and his Elves also continue their worldwide charity work along with fighting the forces of evil around the world.  Santa is seen as the leader of good on Earth and he takes that title seriously.  Whether it’s taking down a punk robbing a 7-11 or a coven of wicked witches hell-bent on global domination!  Nobody is a match for a demi-archangel like Saint Nicholas.  Naturally, he doesn’t wear the Santa suit and tries to keep a low profile when taking down nefarious individuals. In addition, he always tries to reason with those who have fallen to the dark side before resorting to harsher means for the greater good of humankind! His enchanted Elves follow the same code when dealing with filthy fiends. They often appear as little people but have been known to cast magical Glamours to appear like standard sized people.

As with our other articles about Santa, we’d like to thank our insider Elf sources for this valuable, and interesting information about our beloved Father Christmas! We would ask him directly but we don’t want to be annoying!🌞

See Also: What Does Santa Claus Do On Independence Day?

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