The final Full Moon of 2019 and the 2010’s decade coincidentally falls on 12/12 at 12:12 AM EST. This numerological alignment could possibly give witchcraft spells based on the Moon more paranormal punch within The Witching Hour. December’s Moon is most often known as the Cold Moon in the mainstream world. However, in the secret supernatural community it is the sainted Yule Moon due to being heavily under the influence of The Spirit Of Christmas. The Spirit is so powerful that it overrides the normal lunar energies that would cause monstrous Werewolf transformation. What we get instead is the only Moon shining 100% holy light just as the Sun does. This elegant energy filters out the demonic elements in the Werewolf and grants us gentle furry fluffy white Werewolves. Although, the majority of Werewolves simply won’t transform. Even those who have control over their transformations can only turn into the smaller peaceful form for the duration of the Yule Moon.🌕
Friday The 13th’s Effect On The Christmas Moon
That being said this Yule Moon has less enchanted energy than past ones. This is due to the fact that the next day is Friday The 13th! So it is possible to get some random full blown werewolf transformations during the darkness on that day due to bad luck. Particularly if Curses are involved in the equation or an Anti-Leprechaun is afoot! Read The Rest Of This Yule Moon Forecast On Paranormal Activity Blog…