The Full Moon of January has always brought us The Wolf Moon. A lunar cycle heavily influenced by a cooperative union of deities and spirits representing indigenous cultures from around the world. Particularly those native spirits associated with wolves which are strong in ancient folklore. Unfortunately, the wolf spirit mingles with that of the Werewolf to create an inadvertent volatile situation. The Wolf Moon compels Werewolves to become the Alpha of any wolf packs in the vicinity. These packs are then enlisted in the hunt for human flesh for dinner! Normally werewolves are mindless monsters who will eat anything that moves. That includes wolves and even fellow werewolves!🐺
Thankfully the January 2023 Wolf Moon falls on the holiday known as Epiphany. Otherwise known as Three Kings Day. This is the celebration of the Three Wise Men or Magi who followed the mystical Star Of Bethlehem to the Baby Demigod Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. They gave the newborn son of the Omniverse God the first Christmas gifts on what was technically the First Christmas. These Three Magi are actually still alive acting as immortal Kings representing the Archangels Of Heaven. Each with silent dominion over one-third of the planet. On January 6th they once again follow the Christmas Star to its current position over Santa Claus’s North Pole City to celebrate the First Christmas. They ride their mystical camels slightly out of phase with our reality. You may spot them on their journey as shadow people. If you see them, it is considered extreme luck that will stick with you for seven years or more! Once at the North Pole, they will hold court with Saint Nicholas and commune with The Spirit Of Christmas which is still strong within the Christmas Season that ends on February 2nd Candlemas.🎄
All these factors will give us far gentler Werewolves who will actually commune with wolves in common kinship. Regrettably, the Werewolf threat won’t be neutralized. Instead, the werewolves will be guided by the wolf pack who act the same as any carnivorous predator that comes in contact with prey. They will attack any animal or human as their meal of choice. Read More…🎅