For the average human the best chance at traveling through time is unfortunately when you die! There is a small window of opportunity where your spirit crosses over to the Afterlife through the Astral Dream Plane. This can be a confusing state when one’s consciousness is suddenly thrust from their body. That’s why those who practice Astral Projection on a regular basis have the best chance of keeping their wits about them, and concentrating on their temporal task. Being in a confused state, fixating on your loss of life, or being entranced by the warm white light of Heaven drawing you ever closer will thwart your time travel efforts. You need to think of nothing but the exact date, and place you want to be in. Preferably a link to a very emotional memory helps rather than just picking a random calender date with no memory of what you did back then. Those seeking a soul mate across time will find their effort far easier. In addition this method of time travel is moving your spirit, aka metaphysical astral body, through time. It must be within your own lifetime or your leap to the past will almost virtually be impossible. If it did happen you’d just be a ghost in the past. Same would go for a future date as well. However both are extremely unlikely! Read The Rest On Our Time Travel Blog…
DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t work in cases of suicide for reasons not fully understood. Get professional mental help if you have thoughts of harming yourself!