Mystic Investigations and various other members of the real paranormal community have perfectly pre-planned Apocalypse Parties ready to go on a moment’s notice. That is if we have any advanced warning of an impending global disaster that simply can’t be thwarted. It could be nuclear, meteor, alien invasion, zombie pandemic, or even the deciding battle in the War Of Armageddon in which it becomes obvious the forces of righteousness will not win! The purpose of such a party is to enjoy the last vestiges of modern civilization, and it’s conveniences we take for granted. The last worry free hurrah before entering the grim gore, and harrowing hardships of a post-apocalyptic world!

The Apocalypse Clock
We specifically keep an electrical generator in good working condition for said party,
and also to keep our line of communications open with other paranormal parties around the world. These other parties are to appear on various view screens that would eventually grow dark as the last power stations, generators, and power reserves drain to zero. Each party also had a globally synchronized Apocalypse Clock similar to the infamous Doomsday Clock addressing nuclear war, and more recently climate change. The Doomsday Clock is currently set at 3 minutes to Midnight with the height of the Witching Hour signifying the end of the world as we know it! The Apocalypse Clock does take the Doomsday Clock into consideration but there are also a variety of secretive supernatural scenarios factored in. Things only insider members of the metaphysical world would know. The Apocalypse Clock works differently in that there is a danger zone between the Midnight Witching Hour, and all the way through the 3:00 AM Devil’s Hour to 4:00 AM!
Even though the Apocalypse Clock was begun by a secret supernatural society in the 1600’s it technically became Midnight the moment the first ape like creature evolved into a Human. Once the Heavenly human soul was imbued into the first being on Earth we became a target of the paranormal, especially demonic, forces of darkness. As the paranormal activity increased over the ages with ever greater threats so has the clock ticked onward toward the Devil’s Hour of doom! However it reversed somewhat for a time with the institution of the Supernatural Secrecy Pact in 33 AD causing all manner of paranormal beings to go dark as it were. Unfortunately it bounced back rather quickly as clandestine plots of evil flew forth upon humanity once again!
The 20th century saw the greatest increase in supernatural activity courtesy of humankind’s radiation, and chemical contamination of the environment concocting new monsters. There are also numerous genetic, bio-radiological, and biochemical experiments being conducted by corporations, and governments that have spawned forth a number of new threats! The 21st century has only seen things getting paranormally worse. Certainly the First Battle Of Armageddon on Halloween 2013 pushed the clock forward substantially along with the 2 other subsequent Battles in the greater War for supernatural supremacy of Earth! As it stands now the Apocalypse Clock is at 13 minutes to the 3:00 AM Devil’s Hour! The Devil’s Hour itself would be counted up to 3:30 AM as the worst point. A full takeover by the forces of evil with a decisive Armageddon win! If the tide were to begin turning toward the forces of light then it would inch past 3:30 toward the first holy embers of life saving sunlight at 4:00 AM.
4:00 AM signifies a reversal of fortune, and a guarantee all would be well for humanity one way or another. Whether it be Heavenly Angels descending to create an Earthly paradise where humankind remains childlike or the Nature Deities stepping in to do the same yet allow humanity to continue evolving naturally free of demonic influence. A biological, and technological evolution that is destined to lead to higher dimensional Godhood! A perfect paradise would set the clock at 12:00 PM High Noon!
If you happen to a member of the paranormal community or stumble upon it at some point you may be invited to the apocalypse countdown party. Dancing away while downing numerous tasty treats, and beverages until the lights go dark, and the music dies. Then you hear the guttural grows, and clawing at the doors & windows. You somberly suit up in paramilitary gear as you collect your weapons of choice. Your team leader gives you a pep talk as you prepare to deal with the zombie menace outside. Your futuristic 21st century civilized world is now over as you enter a sinister supernatural medieval century of horrifying hardships in the brave new apocalyptic world of wayward wonders!