The above video is the unaired 2011 television pilot of Wonder Woman that was never picked up by NBC as a series. This particular take on Wonder Woman, starring Adrianne Palicki, portrays her as the CEO of a huge corporation where the entire world knows she’s Wonder Woman. Somewhat like Tony Stark revealing his Iron Man identity to the world. In other words, the government and everyone else know where to find her. However, she does have a Diana Prince identity that involves her living with a cat in a small apartment, seemingly with no real life. She comes off as a somewhat vulgar corporate sell-out who markets her own line of action dolls while donning her costume to go hunt down criminal scum. She even kills a guy in the pilot without remorse! As an Amazonian, it would make sense she wouldn’t like men, or at least look upon them with a wary eye. Despite that, they don’t kill unless absolutely necessary or by accident.
The Wonder Woman Of Vengeful Violence
This incarnation of Wonder Woman displays violent and angry behavior most of the time. A scowl is her standard facial gesture. Perhaps she had a bad childhood, needs a boyfriend, or more sleep. Had the series gone on, we might have gotten an explanation for why she’s so angry. The majority of her justice jaunts see her wearing the iconic American-themed Wonder Woman costume with the big difference being her tight pants. In the end, she finally wears the familiar snug-fitting blue shorts during an awesome fight sequence. This is virtually the only high point of the pilot, minus the part where she kills the guy by flinging a pipe into his neck. With her strength and speed, she really wouldn’t have to finish anyone off. Generally, anyone with superpowers doesn’t have to kill unless they recently acquired said powers and have no idea what they’re doing.
The Sad Superhero

The entire premise of her having a depressing life and angry demeanor, without any Amazon Princess back story, isn’t the Wonder Woman many of us know. Especially if you’ve seen the 70’s Wonder Woman TV series starring Lynda Carter. Then we have the wonderful recent big-screen version of Wonder Woman portrayed by Gal Gadot! In the 2011 incarnation, there’s no reason why the government wouldn’t just shut down Wonder Woman’s corporation. It’s also difficult to believe she wouldn’t be sued by numerous people due to her extremely public vigilante threats and exploits. I guess they wanted to explain how she could have such a cool high-tech jet that, oddly enough, isn’t invisible. Realistically, the government and several nefarious private organizations would want to get hold of an Amazon for scientific study and exploitation. Plausibly, her angry antics of supposed justice have enough public support to thwart any move against her? It is amazing what beautiful women can get away with!
A Real Amazon Speaks Out Against The 2011 Wonder Woman Pilot
We chose to review this because we actually had an Amazon Warrior Woman visit the supernatural crime-fighting offices of Mystic Investigations. Her name is Adonia, and she was disgusted by this travesty for the most part! She said, “A sacred sister of Amazonia would never partake of the masculine world ensconced in corporate greed that ultimately exploits women and children around the world! We have no need for money, as we are one with nature. Our Sisters never seek publicity, for we are humble in the shadow of the holy Goddesses who bless us.” Adonia the Amazon also stated, “She wouldn’t wear a ridiculous costume to perform public deeds of daring.” Obviously, most of us love the costumes and outfits of iconic superheroes.
Adonia The Amazon Warrior Woman
Amazing Adonia did say that this incarnation of Wonder Woman did have the general “blazing determined spirit of justice!” of an Amazon warrior, unlike the 70’s version who was more gentle in nature. That being said, Lynda Carter actually received the blessing of the Amazon people before taking the part of Wonder Woman as she happened upon their hidden compound in Brazil while researching the role. In addition, Adonia had no issue with the guy being killed and seriously stated that in such a sinister situation, an Amazon Warrior would have most likely “eradicated all men in the attack for fear of risking a woman’s life later on”. Oh my! I stand corrected from my earlier assertion that an Amazon wouldn’t go that far!
The Real-Life Wonder Woman
For the record, Adonia is the closest thing to Wonder Woman we know of. She is one of the few Amazonians sent out into the world to assess the various dangers of human civilization. Especially as it pertains to the hidden stronghold of Amazons in the Amazon Rain Forest of Brazil. These women are sent out on missions for an unspecified period of time to not only size up threats to Amazonia but also help any women in need. So basically, if you’re a guy caught in a burning building, she will most likely not help you. Yeah, they’re kind of cruel that way when it comes to men due to a long history of battles, enslavement, and discrimination at the hands of males before finally hiding away in the lush Amazon rainforest.
The Path Of The Amazon Warrior
They take an oath to only use their powers to rescue fellow females and children of both genders. When it comes to young boys, their hope is to influence them to follow a more nature-friendly female-worshiping path. If Amazons had their way, they’d take over the entire planet in the name of womanhood. Despite their disdain for the male-dominated civilization of Earth, Amazons are also sent out into the modern world to begrudgingly mate with men. A necessary evil to father their daughters. Once pregnancy is confirmed, they return to the Amazon and the men have no idea they fathered a daughter with Goddess blood. These are one group of women who never stick around going to court for paternity tests and asking for child support! | Learn More About Amazon Women… |⭐️
📝 NBC is so seriously beyond embarrassed by this show that they actively remove videos of the Wonder Woman pilot from all over the internet. We’ve had to extensively search and embed new videos several times already. Even ones in Russia! How the hell do they do that? It should simply be an interesting curiosity for people to enjoy in comparison to other Wonder Woman productions.
Related Video Links [Some Are Ads]
- Watch The 1967 Wonder Woman Test Pilot Starring Ellie Wood Walker
- Watch The 1974 Wonder Woman TV Movie Starring Cathy Lee Crosby
- Watch The 1970’s Wonder Woman Series In HD Online. Starring Lynda Carter.
- Watch The 2017 Wonder Woman Movie Starring Gal Gadot
- Watch The 2020 Wonder Woman 1984 Movie Trailer Starring Gal Gadot
Miscellaneous Related Links
Wonder Woman 2011 Opening Credits
Review Videos Of Wonder Woman 2011
The Failed Wonder Woman Pilot – Caravan Of Garbage – YouTube
Wonder Woman 2011 Unaired Pilot REVIEW – YouTube
Wonder Woman 2011 Pilot REVIEW – YouTube
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