The Memorial Day Veteran Zombie

All of us at Mystic Investigations had off on Memorial Day. Of course, theoretically, we’re never off duty since supernatural darkness never sleeps! Most of us went our separate ways but saw each other at the various festivities throughout the warm sunny day in Woodland Springs, Colorado. This included the annual Memorial Day Parade in the morning. I noticed an odd grey-skinned man wearing a tattered World War II soldier’s uniform complete with a faded green helmet. He was walking among the parade floats with a sinister look on his unsettling face. Our Telekinetic Psychic Julia Hathaway found us and said she felt chills up her spine when the mysterious man looked directly at her! She called his eyes soulless coals of death! The fair Demi-Mermaid Witch Rebecca Abernathy also said something wasn’t right about him. Well besides the stale zombie looking skin. We tried to find him but he disappeared into the crowd without a trace…Read The Rest Of The Story On Our Supernatural Stories Blog…🧟‍♂️