The Reality Of The Munsters

The Munsters was a fantasy sitcom that aired on broadcast television from 1964-1966. It featured a family of friendly green-skinned monsters living within mainstream society. Often they garnered reactions of fear from outsiders that puzzled them. There was Herman Munster, the Frankenstein Father, and his wife Lily who was a vampire. Oddly enough their son … Read moreThe Reality Of The Munsters

Why Can’t Buffy Gilmore From Scary Movie Die?

 🔪The video clip above is from Scary Movie (2000). A funny film that spoofed horror films like Scream (1996) and I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997). The character called Buffy Gilmore, portrayed by Actress Shannon Elizabeth, is brutally attacked and beheaded by a sinister serial killer. Yet the entire time she isn’t … Read moreWhy Can’t Buffy Gilmore From Scary Movie Die?

The Bubonic Black Plague Of Death Personified

The notorious Black Death that ravaged 14th-century Europe was a supernatural biological warfare experiment.  A horror perpetrated by none other than the master of death & disease The Plague Doctor!  Paranormal records now indicate that he named the Black Plague Mortimer as it was his pet project.  Indeed, he sees bacteria and viruses as his … Read moreThe Bubonic Black Plague Of Death Personified

The Horrifying Headless Man

In the world of the supernatural there can be ghosts that appear headless, or even magically resurrected sapient zombies who defy beheading as they stagger about wildly.  If I had to classify the closest thing to the headless man in the video I’d say someone who was beheaded yet had an active astral body.  We … Read moreThe Horrifying Headless Man