Will Santa Claus Fight In Armageddon?
We asked the Demi-Angel & Saint Santa Claus about any role he would have in battling the forces of darkness. All he would say is that he would not let any…
What’s Inside A Santa North Pole Snow Globe?
Oh my this seems like Christmas blasphemy for some reason!
Future Christmas Prediction By Psychic Julia Hathaway
A Prediction For A Mystic Investigations User That Seems To Take Place On A Future Yule Moon Over the internet I usually don’t get much unless there’s one or more…
Anti-Claus Spotted In Daylight Skies Over New York City!
Santa Claus wouldn’t blatantly violate The Supernatural Secrecy Pact by flying in plain view in broad daylight! Further analysis of the video reveals it was indeed the Anti-Claus flying overhead on…
Santa Spotted By Airplane Passengers
Christmas Eve and extremely early Christmas Day airline flights give the average person the best chance of spotting Santa’s sleigh in action!
Cool Creamy Eggnog Milkshake with Ginger Snap Crumbles
If simple Eggnog isn’t enough to satisfy your Winter Christmas palate then try out this beyond scrumptious shake of epic eggerrific proportions! Go To Eggnog Milkshake with Ginger Snap Crumbles…