Is Frosty The Snowman Real?

Yes, indeed the most legendary sentient Snowman of all time is real! There have been other animated snowmen and even a few sentient ones that were the product of magic. However, they were temporary creations without a soul or actual people cursed into being a snow person by powerful practitioners of magic. Quite a few of them were created by kids at North Pole City. A place where toys, artwork, and other items are brought to life by The Spirit Of Christmas and the imagination of the creator or owner of the item. Once the person and/or the item leaves then the animated effect wears off. Frosty is the only known humanoid Snowman to become a permanent intelligent being imbued with an immortal soul.

Thankfully, Frosty The Snowman is of no relation to the ferocious Abominable Snowmen, aka Yeti, that instills terror into the hearts of children, and adults alike! Frosty, on the other hand, is a delight to all who cross his paranormal path! The famous Frosty lives near the edge of Frost Forest right next to Claus Forest which is on the western side of Santa Claus’s North Pole City. This is somewhere in between where Santa Claus lives and the Ice Crystal Woods where Jack Frost has a crystal castle. Frosty’s portrayal in the classic cartoon bearing his name is somewhat fictional but is in fact based on the true story of an enchanted anthropomorphic snowman who miraculously gained agile locomotion, and sapience on Earth! Quite a few members of the Hollywood creative community have connections in the supernatural world. You can watch the classic Frosty The Snowman cartoon online here[Ad].

The Birth Of An Enchanted Snowman

Frosty The Snowman came into existence one fateful night on Christmas Eve 1948 as Santa Claus began his journey delivering gifts around the world. Some gifted children were about to make history by inadvertently bringing a mystical being into existence. At North Pole City these psychokinetic children and their parents had been welcomed as guests by Santa. Early on Christmas Eve, by the light of mystical candles, a crescent moon, the extra-bright holy Christmas Star, and a sky full of shimmering stars, the kids built a snowman on the sacred grounds of Santa Claus’s Manor. The snow itself was mixed with magical sparkling Elf Dust which is similar to Fairy Dust. Elf Dust is a by-product of Elves exhaling. It’s invisible when breathed out but over time it accumulates in the environment thus creating enchantment. As they molded the snow to create Frosty’s body one of the kids put a small solid gold pendant in what would be the chest area thus giving him the quintessential heart of gold. The gold itself had been molded from a coin received from a Leprechaun!

Supernatural Children Accidentally Create Polar Life

The happy children innocently built the serene-looking snowman with eyes made of coal taken from a nearby shed. Plausibly the coal Santa drops into naughty kid’s stockings? The Snowman’s nose was a large red gumdrop one of the children had purchased from Sandy The Human Elf at his Sugar Shack. His mouth was made with a piece of black licorice that another child had with them. A crimson poinsettia leaf ended up forming Frosty’s tongue. One of Santa’s corncob pipes was placed in his mouth. Also, he was not given his signature top hat at that time but rather one of Santa’s spare red hats with white trim, and the white tassel on top.  His arms were made of the branches of an enchanted evergreen. Once he was done, they named him Frosty. His personality was already born in the imaginations of the children. They expected a basic animation with simple speech just as toys and other creations do within the wondrous winter wonderland. They were simply looking for a snowman to play with and had no idea that an amazing confluence of enchanted events was about to grant Frosty an intelligent emotional sentience and a holy soul!

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The Paranormal Powers That Created Frosty

As with most kids who end up at the North Pole, they are children of good supernatural entities or humans who fight against evil in the world of the paranormal that remains hidden from most people. One of these children was a hereditary witch born with the active power of Quintekinesis which is life force manipulation. This interacted with another child’s Cryokinetic power of ice, and snow manipulation. They knew not of their power at the time and inadvertently breathed life into the snowman.  Upon completion of their snowy masterpiece, they all hugged the Snowman together and declared they loved him with the Spirit Of Christmas in their hearts. This transferred their combined power of innocent magic and infinite imagination that dwells within all kids. It also granted Frosty a Soul made up of a bit of each child’s human soul. If he was to ever be extinguished then Frosty would go to Heaven courtesy of his sainted soul.

A Coincidental Confluence Or Delightful Destiny?

Frosty, Santa, and Rudolph take on a Yeti!

Another factor in creating this unique supernatural being was the fact that the Goddess Gaia, aka the very soul of the Earth itself, was naturally drawn to the child who possessed the life force manipulation powers.  Her life force was focused upon the ground in that area.  So Frosty was built with holy supernatural snows laden with Elf Dust in the Spirit Of Christmas upon a North Pole paranormal hot spot empowered by the very life force of the planet itself. Not to mention the Leprechaun gold in his chest! Possibly the Winter God Jack Frost and other Winter deities residing nearby could have inadvertently played a role as well. This coincidental confluence created the first known emotional walking, talking, and critically thinking snowman to ever exist on Earth! Many believe his enchanted existence was a delightful destiny rather than mere lucky coincidence. In addition, since he is made of holy North Pole City snow, he repels all manner of diabolical denizens of darkness! On top of that, he’s blessed by Saint Nicholas on a regular basis!

The First Moments Of Frosty’s Animation To Life

Frosty with his friend Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

An unusual lifeforce swept through the Snowman as Elf Dust within his sainted snows sparkled brightly with a plethora of rainbow colors as his eyes of coal turned somewhat human-like except much rounder. They began glowing light blue as well. His black licorice mouth opened up in a wide smile to reveal flat teeth of ice along with the poinsettia leaf molding into a tongue. His gumdrop nose smoothed out and became like the surface of a perfect jelly bean. Snow crawled away from his body to cover his evergreen arms creating human-like arms and hands.  His face and entire body became somewhat human-like as he grew snow legs. An average animated snowman wouldn’t have taken on such humanoid characteristics. These were clearly manifestations of his human soul. He ended up looking like he does in the cartoons we all know, and love. Cartoons clearly based on reality as the chubby lovable snowman walks among us.  Upon full animation, his first words were “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Birthday” since he was born on Christmas Day.  The enchantment of the holiday itself probably played a role in his creation.

A North Pole City Christmas Suprise

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The kids were shocked as they realized this was beyond any animated snowman they had made before. The child with life force manipulation powers could immediately sense the soul was strong in this snowman. An Elf nearby ran for help as he’d never seen anything like that happen before.  Soon more kids, other North Pole City guests, all the elves, enchanted reindeer, Mrs.Claus, and her children gathered around this marvelous mystical miracle! Frosty was fully self-aware and knew how to speak complete English as well as every other language on Earth.  That could be due to one of the special kids having the power of Omnilingualism, or the natural ability to understand any language in the Universe. He also had the personality of an innocent jovial child yet was quite intelligent.

When Santa Claus arrived home on Christmas morning, he considered Frosty one of the most amazing gifts he’d ever received.  Frosty The Snowman soon became a fan-favorite fixture of North Pole City and a good friend to everyone residing there.  Even the notoriously cold Jack Frost who became his best friend! Frosty acts as the Ambassador for the City greeting visitors while sometimes traveling to other paranormal locations around the world on behalf of Santa Claus. He is also often in charge of organizing events for children visiting the North Pole. This includes his famous annual snowball fight. He also teaches some classes at the school located there for permanent and long-term residents.

The Mystic Investigations Team Meets Frosty The Snowman

Some of us at Mystic Investigations travel to North Pole City for a few weeks during Christmas for our annual vacation. We had the pleasure of first meeting Frosty when we attended a Christmas Dinner in 2011. You’d think it would be creepy to speak with an animated snowman but his sparkling personality and almost cartoonish appearance neutralize that.  He’s oddly warm and smooth to the touch as his white snow body sparkles in sheer iridescence. When you shake hands with him you don’t get snow on your hands. He is childlike in nature which would lead you to believe he might have a low IQ but as we said he’s very smart. He’s like a walking encyclopedia as he sucks up knowledge like a sponge. Frosty quickly gets an empathetic sense of every person he meets and they immediately love him.  He teaches kids a lot while making everything seem fun. It’s hard to not feel like a kid again when you spend even one minute with Frosty.

Frosty’s Hat’s


Contrary to popular belief removing his hat doesn’t turn him back into a regular snowman as that is not what created him. In fact, he alternates between three different hats. The Santa hat he was born with, a black top hat, and a gray top hat. An elf gave him the black top hat to wear to fancy events. However, he wears the gray hat the most because it was actually a gift from a visiting magician. The hat itself is magical in the sense that it can hide things like rabbits and endless ribbons in order to put on magic shows. Something Frosty does every so often. Sometimes he pulls small gifts from it to give kids who have just arrived at the North Pole. On both top hats, he attaches a pink flower to the band. It was Santa’s first Christmas gift to Frosty. The mystical flower is everlastingly alive just as Frosty is. It symbolizes how special the saintly snowman is to everyone. The flower is a rare few that inexplicably grows from North Pole snows by the raw power of The Christmas Spirit. The center of the flower glows when the Spirit is extra strong in the general vicinity. Often when Frosty is using his various powers.

The Paranormal Powers Of Frosty

Frosty has the power to play dead and appear like a real snowman at will. This includes being able to alter his appearance by shape-shifting the snow he’s made of. A stealthy maneuver that comes in handy when he travels around the world on Christmas missions. The sneaky fellow also loves using that skill to play pranks on people. You’ll think it’s a regular snowman complete with an orange carrot nose that he switches out with the gumdrop. Then suddenly he reanimates while screaming at you with glee. Believe me, it scares the ever-loving heck out of everyone! Frosty also has super strength, speed, and agility you wouldn’t expect from a portly snowman. There are also enhanced senses and a sixth sense of empathy. He can sense people’s emotions and when danger is afoot. The Snowman is also quite intelligent and charismatic with the aforementioned ability to understand and speak any language in our reality. Frosty also possesses some degree of Cryokinetic powers. He can’t freeze anyone but he can shoot a flurry of snow forth to confuse an attacker and give them quite a chill! He can also keep himself cold for a limited time in hot situations. He can also place his snow on people to heal minor injuries. Eating his holy snow is said to perform further healing miracles. He is immune to most magic and repels a variety of evil entities due to being so holy in nature.

Frosty’s Mini-Snowmen

His aforementioned shape-shaping ability is often used to turn his tummy into an ideal sled shape to go drifting down hills and mountains. He’s always happy to give the visiting children at North Pole City a ride downhill. And of course, it’s no surprise that he is the master of any snowball fight giving an entire brigade of Elves a run for their money! The balls either bounce off or meld into his body. Sometimes he just opens his mouth wide and eats them! After receiving his magic hat and putting on magic shows he continued to study the mystical arts further. His most amazing trick is to fashion snowballs from himself and then utilize The Spirit Of Christmas to make them temporarily come alive! The Spirit is actually utilizing Frosty’s consciousness to give them life. When he reintegrates them into his snowy body, he has memories of being the snowballs. Sometimes he leaves these snowballs in various locations so he can in essence be in more than two places at once. The adorable little frosty fellas are pictured above and you can purchase a plush version here[Ad].

The Amortal Snowman

Frosty The Snowman must remain cold or he will melt.  Although the enchanted snow he’s made of resists far more heat than normal snow. His Cryokinetic powers can be used on himself to a limited degree thus providing further insulation against dangerous thermal energy. If he must travel, he tries to stay in cold areas. Otherwise, he has a special refrigeration unit he travels in. There are also magical methods of teleportation or using Santa’s super-fast sleigh in the cold upper atmosphere to prevent long travel times. He can actually withstand over 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the direct hot sun for up to 30 minutes before he really starts to deteriorate!  There have been instances where he fully melted but his conscious spirit remains among the melted magical North Pole Christmas snow. When the holy water is collected, and exposed to cold he reanimates as if nothing ever happened. Even if the water evaporated it’s said Santa could utilize the magic of The Christmas Spirit to draw it back again. This makes him not only Immortal but Amortal. In essence, there is nothing we know of that can kill him permanently! And even if it did his soul grants him safe passage to Heaven. Under those circumstances, he would probably reanimate his spirit back into snowman form every so often at North Pole City. Those who have died with a connection to Santa Claus have all done this!

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Frosty’s Life

Frosty and Jack Frost at the Frost Ice Castle.

Generally, Frosty spends most of his time at North Pole City. Most often in his beloved Claus and Frost Forests. Although he can be seen skipping about the popular downtown area on many occasions. He probably spends the most time with his best bud the Winter God Jack Frost. He also hangs with Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reinder and Sylvester The Snowman. Frosty loves the outdoors and rarely spends time in the igloo house some elves made for him. Especially considering the fact that he requires no shelter, sleep, or food. However, he can lie dormant to engage in enchanted dreams. He can also enjoy eating yummy food and drinks. You’d think it would be unsettling to meet an anthropomorphic snowman but he’s downright adorable! He makes a point of meeting every visitor to North Pole City and spending quality time with them. The gentle snowman radiates a loving warmth, and sense of humor most human adults could never muster up even on their best days. Even the most depressed and shy people light up like a Christmas tree in the presence of fantastical Frosty! God bless Frosty The Snowman, and Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!⛄️

The Original Frosty The Snowman Cartoon

❄️Watch The Classic Frosty The Snowman Cartoon[Ad]

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