The chilling chalice of darkness was forged in the blasphemous bowels of Hell. Within the firey brimstone demon artisans handcrafted the unholy grail from black diamond Carbonado mined from the Underworld by dark deities. It was presented to Satan for the annual celebration of his founding of Hell. His first drink from the chaotic cup was his own blood, which he saved right after he lost his Archangel status and was cast into our Multiverse. The ingestion of this Fallen Archangel blood as opposed to his current Archdemon blood provides him with a unique enchanted energy boost.
Upon savoring his sanguine substance, the unholy blood lining the cup transformed some of the black diamond into an unknown crimson element. This cursed the chalice for anyone else who dared drink from it unless they met certain criteria. Only a heart and soul of pure darkness may partake of the Unholy Grail, thus acquiring perplexing immortal powers. The only substance they may drink is their own blood mixed with that of an innocent. Anyone who may lean toward evil but isn’t truly committed will be cast straight to Hell. Those pure of heart and soul could theoretically destroy the abomination. Those in between may suffer various symptoms of dark luck from the curse.😈