
The Smurfs television cartoons and movies are based on real supernatural beings of the same name. Smurfs are friendly creatures with elf and gnome-like features. However, they are far smaller and blue in color. Their mystical village of mushroom houses is hidden within a magical cloak deep in a Belgium forest. They don’t procreate but rather a new smurf baby is delivered by a sentient stork under three astronomical circumstances. A Blue Moon Eclipse, a Blue Moon falling on New Year’s Day, and one falling on Christmas. The origins of the stork or the Smurfs are unknown. Very little lore is available since their interaction with even the paranormal world is limited. They mostly stay in their village and immediate surrounding area.

Smurfs live to be 1000 years old on average and aren’t considered an adult until 100 years of age. Upon death, it’s said the stork who delivered them returns to take them away to parts unknown. Some believe they are re-born as a new baby. Smurfs technically have no gender but some are more male while others are more female in appearance and mannerisms. The little blue people are rare commodities in the supernatural world as they are key ingredients in various potions and spells. Particularly ones involving immortality and the creation of pure gold. It’s been said that capturing a Smurf grants you one wish if you return them to the fabled Papa Smurf. He’s known to be a powerful wizard who can grant a variety of wishes within a certain range.