The True Tale Of Little Red Riding Hood

Although the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood was first made famous in the early 19th century by The Brothers Grimm, the true story happened long before that. In 10th century France a special young woman was taking food and supplies to her sickly grandmother. The Grandmother was stubborn and refused to leave her childhood home that was far across the forest from the rest of the clan. Little Red Riding Hood was wearing the magical red cloak that gifted her the superhuman abilities of immense strength, speed, agility, and senses. It’s said she acquired the cloak from her fiance who was slain by a werewolf in his sleep. He created it so she would be safe when he wasn’t around. It was spelled to only work when she wore it. The fiance was a warlock deep into the dark magics but he suddenly saw the light when he fell in love with Red Riding Hood. It’s thought the werewolf was sent to assassinate him for his turn to the light side!

The Werewolf Assassin was ordered to kill Red Riding Hood as she had the coveted cloak of unknown power. He was an ancient Werewolf capable of controlling his transformations independently of the Moon. He could also keep his human persona in wolf form. The wayward wolf stalked her through the dark forest but was surprised by a seasoned hunter. Unfortunately, the hunter was no match for the powerful werewolf and he had the scared man pinned to the ground ready to go for the jugular. That’s when Little Red Riding Hood came up from behind and picked the shocked werewolf up over her head. She tossed him deep into the woods shattering several tree trunks along the way! The hunter was deeply thankful and amazed by her power. He walked with her the rest of the way to Grandmother’s house. Meanwhile, the wolf limped in the shadows and overheard where she was headed. His werewolf physiology caused him to heal quickly and he bolted ahead to arrive at the house first.

The werewolf returned to human form to knock on the door. He was a charming handsome man and the Grandmother gladly let him in as he said he was there to cut wood for her fireplace. He started helping her back to bed until he wolfed out and dragged her out back to become a quick horrifying meal! He came back inside and returned to human form as he put on the Grandma’s clothing including a veil to hide his face. He lie in bed as Red Riding Hood and the hunter strolled in. Red Riding Hood was very suspicious of her Grandma’s appearance as she talked to her. Her cloak was intensifying her natural intuition and she ripped the veil off causing another wolf out. Both Red Riding Hood and the hunter were knocked to the floor. This time the werewolf moved at lightning speed and killed the hunter instantly. Red Riding Hood grabbed his silver ax and decapitated the werewolf causing him to return to human form. After Red Riding Hood discovered the remains of her Grandmother out back she was motivated to become one of the first known Werewolf Hunters in history! She also trained many over the centuries! Indeed the cloak granted her immortality and she is still alive to this day!🐺