The metaphysical energies of July’s Full Moon most often fall under the supernatural authority of various Gods and Goddesses of Thunder and Lightning. Certainly, this is the time most thunderstorms take place. That’s why it’s known as the Thunder or Lightning Moon. Like any other lunar cycle, some other faction of nature deities could gain control over it. However, these are often cooperatives of commonly themed Gods across many cultural pantheons. In the case of the Thunder Moon, The King Emperor Of Gods Zeus is a Lightning Lord himself and will keep the July Moon in that spirit. Although he sometimes shares the glory with Thor, the Norse God Of Thunder, since he wants to keep his allies happy in light of the impending Battles Of Armageddon.🌕
Thunder Moon Werewolves
Werewolves of the Thunder Moon lunar cycle are their normal dangerous selves unless a thunderstorm is afoot. Even one many miles away can affect them. When paranormal photons of lunar light imbued with enchanted energy come into contact with lightning there is a chilling change! There’s a supernatural surge into Werewolves causing them to become electrically charged. Their static-charged fur will expand and display crackling bolts of electricity. This fur standing on end causes them to look twice as huge. Getting anywhere near these electrical wolves brings the risk of electrocution!⛈️
The Paranormal Power Of The Lightning Moon Werewolf
Not only are they charged up but their aggression is increased as they feel a greater urge to hunt down humans for dinner! Werewolves become electrical magnets and are more likely to be struck by lightning. When this happens their monstrous mayhem exponentially increases as they develop chaotic Electrokinetic powers. They will shoot bolts of highly charged electricity toward anything they deem to be a target. It can also be random as well. This special breed of blasphemous wolves will display the characteristic violet-hued electricity of unholy light. It happens due to the deep interaction with their unholy demonic DNA.🐺
Thunder Moon Werewolf Countermeasures
Lower deities may simply distract the Werewolf so you may make your escape. If an attacking werewolf is directly struck by lightning at the moment you call for help, then your prayers may have been answered. The blasphemous beast should be knocked out cold or bolt away into the night squealing. Weaker werewolves may be roasted alive but then they would immediately revert to human form. The bolt in question will be supernatural in nature and they won’t be able to absorb it like normal lightning. However, they will develop temporary electrokinetic powers if they’re still alive. If it’s an average bolt of lightning then they will only be dazed for a matter of seconds. Perhaps enough time to run away! Stay alert and ready for battle from dusk to dawn until the Moon is below 80% of Full!🐺
The Effects Of The Thunder Moon On Other Enchanted Entities
Superhumans with the power of Electrokinesis will find an exponential increase in their potency. Those with untapped psi powers may find latent DNA activation taking place during this lunar cycle. Particularly during Thunderstorms. Ancient vampires with electrokinetic abilities will enjoy the same increase in strength. Practitioners Of Magic can enhance their spells and potions during this time. Especially if electricity is involved. Calling upon Zeus, Thor, or other Thunder Deities for power will be far more likely to succeed. Even average individuals will have a better chance of finally entering the enchanted arena of the supernatural world if they play their paranormal cards right!🧐
⚡️ Read Our Past July Werewolf Warnings For More Information