Many Supernatural Beings enchantingly evolved from the Elf Line can’t procreate. It’s especially unnecessary since they come into existence by a variety of other means including via the direct hand of Nature Deities. The Earthly Gods who created Elves as the biological ground workers of their Godly hierarchy tasked with performing a number of duties. Interestingly most supernatural species derived from the Original Elves are generally male, or at least seemingly male-like. Plausibly due to the Nature Gods creating them as ground-level workers. Leprechauns are all male and have the equipment to prove it. However, since there are no female Leprechauns it’s pretty much useless. Somewhat like the Smurfs which incidentally are real paranormal cryptids! Thankfully Leprechauns rarely incur such unsavory urges unless corrupted by a Clurichaun, aka Evil Leprechaun, or enticed by a female of some other humanoid species. This can include humans.🍀
Leprechaun Human Hybrid Paranormal Podcast
The Luck Of Leprechaun Love
The Old Wives Tale of gaining a lifetime of good fortune by making lucky love to a Leprechaun turns out to be true! If the union causes a birth to occur it was thought the child would be a Leprechaun who could grant the mother infinite wishes. Although, the child in question would be a Leprechaun-Human Hybrid. The supernatural scientific name for such an entity is a Lepreman or Leprewoman. Yes, you can get a female out of this mating. The closest thing to a girl Leprechaun. Under Leprechaun Law there are steep paranormal penalties if a Leprechaun has relations with such a Hybrid! That includes said Leprechaun being stripped of all powers and ability to wield luck in any form!💚
Leprechaun Hybrid Pregnancy Equals Immortality
Generally, a Leprechaun will only be compelled to mate with someone if they’re beyond beautiful, and there’s something special about them. However, there are incidents of less than moral women coercing a Leprechaun into being with them. This includes kidnapping them or holding their pot o’ gold hostage. A human woman pregnant with the lucky offspring will not only gain good luck for life but will also become an Immortal since the Leprechild will be immortal. This is virtually the case with any woman who bears a child of enchanted eternal lineage. Often the paranormal properties of a supernatural child growing within a human female passes on said properties at some level in a temporary, or permanent way.🍀
The Leprechaun-Human Hybrid
The Lepreboy, or Lepregirl, is considered blasphemy by the Leprechauns, and often the father scurries away in shame never to be seen again once the wanton act is completed! So despite being half Leprechaun, they can’t choose to live the life of one among their little relatives in Ireland. Surprisingly they blend into human society well. Especially since they’re of normal height. Although they rarely are over 6 feet tall. In the past, most Immortals had to move away to a new life every 10 years or so before people realized they weren’t aging. Fortunately, modern prosthetics and cosmetics can simulate the aging process. Some can also use ultra healthy living, and plastic surgery, as excuses to stay in their lives a bit longer. More and more Immortals are entering into useful partnerships with powerful witches, and other magical practitioners, who can cast Glamour Spells that make one appear to age. The famous Immortal Keanu Reeves began employing such methods in the last decade as rumors of his immortality grew.☘️
Lepreman And Leprewoman Powers
Luckily a Human-Leprechaun Hybrid has a natural magical ability, and only needs a minimum of training to access it. They can thereby cast Glamours upon themselves so they may live out a human life for a good 80 years or so. Since they can easily excel at magic they often choose that as their life path in the fight against supernatural darkness. Lepremen and women also have natural good luck which makes them successful in any endeavor they follow in life. They can easily gain power, and wealth which further aids in helping humankind. There is an uncontrollable urge to collect gold yet at the same time they’re not necessarily greedy. The obsession is focused on glittering gold coins that they want to put in small cauldron type pots very badly. Unfortunately, they don’t hold anywhere near the same level of luck as Leprechauns gold. Pilfering a pot or abducting the Lepreperson will not net you three lucky wishes.🍀
Lucky Leprehumanoid Abilities
Interestingly enough their birthday wishes always come true if made for others, or non-selfish causes. The wishes are guided by luck so they can’t make something materialize out of thin air…unless, of course, their practice of magic allows for it. Leprehumans can also bank their wishes, and amass as many as they like. In addition on Saint Patrick’s Day, they can grant three lucky wishes in the same way a Leprechaun would. They also have the power to bless objects into lucky charms like a Leprechaun. Leprehumans can also garner a special kinship with Unicorns, Rainbow Nymphs, Fairies, and may have limited rainbow creation powers. Naturally, these supernatural connections and practicing of magic can greatly increase their rainbow making ability. Rainbows that can be used for global transport, and communication.🌈
Clurimen And Cluriwomen: The Human-Clurichaun Hybrids Of Darkness!
Unfortunately, Dark demonic Leprechauns, aka Clurichauns, can mate with humans to create evil Clurimen and Cluriwomen! They are the natural nemesis of Leprepeople, and they enjoy utilizing their powers of bad luck to mess people up! They are often welcomed into demon worshiping cults, and other organizations of darkness run by demon based entities such as Demi-Demons, Vampires, and dark magicians. Clurichauns work hard to compel their horrifying human hybrid offspring to join their ranks and travel where their small stature would make them stand out. Thankfully Human-Clurichaun Hybrid numbers are kept in check by spiritual incompatibility with the vast majority of humans since the righteousness of their souls causes issues. The Clurichaun needs to mate with a truly nasty woman!🤢 [Twitter]
The Leprechaun Savior
A Leprechaun-Human Hybrid named Lucky is the prophesied savior of the Leprechaun people. He will ride a green Unicorn off a rainbow during Armageddon as the Leprechaun race is about to be eradicated by demons! The prophesy indicates the patron Saint of the Leprechauns, Saint Patrick, will be trapped by Satan’s forces and unable to render aid.🍀
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Do Leprechaun-Human Hybrids, and Clurichaune-Human Hybrids have Enhanced strength speed etc.
Yes there is enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses.
I read about Clurichaun and how they eat younger kids/fairies. Is this also the case with Clurimen or Cluriwoman? Have Clurichauns and Hybrids of them been known to eat adults as well?
Quite a few demonic based entities eat people, or at least kill them as a form of sacrifice to demons. It wouldn’t be that far fetched for Clurichaun-Human Hybrids to do the same.
Are Smurfs entities of good luck? Also is there an evil counterpart to Smurfs?
Smurfs are good luck but nowhere in the same league as Leprechauns. So far we don’t know of any evil counterparts. Since the Universe must always have balance it’s safe to assume some type of evil Smurf might exist on another planet or dimension slightly out of phase with our reality.
Are Asian Sprites also all male?
Yes they’re all male.
Is it possible for a God or Goddess to turn someone into some sort of being from the elf line of Supernatural beings?
If you curry favor with a God or Goddess they might transform you into an Elf if that was your wish.
Would they be able to turn you into any being from the elf line? Also are goblins from the elf line? Are they evil, or just mischievous?
Yes a powerful enough God or Goddess could turn you into any member of the elf line.
Are Goblins from the elf line? Are they evil or just mischievous?
Yes Goblins, and a great many beings of small stature are enchantingly evolved from the Elf line. They can range from being merely mischievous to downright evil! All are greedy at heart, and they often are at odds with Leprechauns, and Tooth Fairies who also collect gold, and other treasures. In some cases Clurichauns may employ Goblins to steal Leprechauns gold in return for directing dark luck upon enemies.
Do Clurichauns have bad luck, or is it good luck?
Technically they warp good luck into dark luck to direct at their victims. If they had bad luck they would be screwing themselves over.
Can Leprechauns turn into Clurichauns like the way angels can into demons. If so could a good Clurichaun become a leprechaun?
It’s plausible but both consider each a subspecies of the other even though Clurichauns came from Leprechauns. Around our site we describe Clurichauns as Evil Leprechauns but that’s only for novices to easily understand. There are tales of a few Clurichauns turning to the light side, and Leprechauns turning to the darkness. They don’t ever completely become the other, and are still somewhat identifiable as their species by appearance.
Could a good or goddess turn someone into half leprechaun, or full Leprechaun?