The Plague Doctor is the darkest paranormal master of disease on Earth! The ultimate Asymptomatic carrier of virtually every disease on our planet! Although a loner at heart, the Plague Doctor realized there was only so much pain, suffering, humiliation, and death he could deliver by his own horrifying hands! Even as a Dark Immortal with the deities Pestilence & Death in his corner there was still only one of him. He began enlisting the help of evil humans who showed great promise. In addition, he allowed his sinister sycophants to form a cult in his name, and worship at his diseased feet! It seems every supernatural being attracts obsessed humans looking for someone to give their empty delusional lives meaning. The Plague Doctor is no different. Whatever their position in his offensive organization they all fall under the umbrella of The Plague Doctor Cult. A clandestine union of mostly humans who see the Plague Doctor as their Unholy Lord just as the Doctor sees two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as his Gods. That being the aforementioned Pestilence, and Death whose altars he bows before each day with malice in his decayed heart of darkness!
The Surgeon General Of Suffering’s Trusted Lieutenants
At the very top of the cult are his trusted lieutenants, and those with supernatural abilities that aid in his quest to cause a global pandemic apocalypse! His second in command is the notorious Typhoid Mary, aka Mary Mallon. The Plague Doctor has promised to give many of his loyal followers powers along with Dark Immortal status but he rarely delivers. Often these pathetic lackeys die for his cause willingly or otherwise. However, Mary was one of the few he rewarded with Immortality. Her spreading of Typhoid, and other diabolical schemes not known to mainstream history, deeply impressed him. Rarely do humans mean anything to him. She has become the closest thing to a female Plague Doctor and is probably the only person he truly trusts.💉 Read More About This Dark Deadly Cult On Our Main Website…