The Truth Of Tahoe Tessie Told!

Recent sightings of Lake Tahoe’s monster ‘Tahoe Tessie’ have been skyrocketing as tourists flood town for the summer season. With the proliferation of these events, The Tahoe Journal decided it was time to finally get to the bottom of the truth behind the legend. After scouring the lake for information with regard to Tessie and her origins, our investigation repeatedly led us to the same place: the TRPA.

After numerous calls, emails, and visits to the TRPA headquarters in Stateline, NV, we finally located a former agent to speak with us. The agent requested that we not give any identifying information about them, due to the fact that the last agent to divulge information about ‘Situation T’ was promptly fed to the legend itself.

“I’ve worked for the TRPA for nearly 12 years, and it disgusts me that no one within the agency will come clean as to the origins of Tessie. I was there the day the InGen corporation had the first meeting with board of directors in 1992. At the time TRPA was planning to create a new attraction to draw more tourism to Lake Tahoe and boost the local economy.”

According to our anonymous tip, when InGen caught wind of TRPA’s plans, they approached them with an offer they couldn’t refuse: a mysterious lake monster that would lure curious minds from far and wide.

Read The Rest Of This Alarming Article By AJ Steed At The Tahoe Journal…


The Termination Of The Boarhog Moothy-San Monster’s Terror!

The Boarhog Moothy-San is a legendary monster that lives in the horrified hearts of the Japanese people. You can read our full article on this disturbing creature here. Its spirit has been known to haunt the Aokigahara Forest in Japan. There it possesses animals, and people wreaking hellish havoc. If that wasn’t bad enough, every 100 years it is let loose in its human-hog hybrid form to terrorize locals! This monstrous mayhem has been going on for over 1000 years. Finally, we have good news for Japan on this glorious day courtesy of brave supernatural warriors!

On May 31, 2017, private paranormal investigators captured, and contained the Boarhog Moothy-San! They now have possession of her bloated body for supernatural study! A joint expedition of Japanese, Indian, and British paranormal agents had been researching the Moothy-San Monster for four years before tips from local psychics sent them into action! They hiked deep into suspect caves near Mount Fuji, and yielded an amazing discovery. After a tip from local psychics the team unearthed the Moothy-San trapped within a collapsed cavern.

The Fat Fright’s Finale!

When Food Is Love...Cry Me A River!

The great beast suddenly awoke as the team’s lights flashed upon its alabaster piggish form. A spine-tingling squealing scream shot at them like a sonic shockwave and the mad monster charged forth with angry hunger in its evil eyes cast upon its goofy looking moon face! The supernatural investigators shot back with high powered stun guns and cattle prods in an effort to preserve the abomination for supernatural science. The blasphemous beast was put down with only one injury to a courageous team member. The gluttons grotesque gargantuan whale rear beared down on a man causing broken bones and major bruising. The alarming abomination was dragged into a cage and lifted from the Aokigahara Forest by freight helicopter. The despicable denizen of darkness now lies in a private secret underground research lab in Tokyo! Thank the Lord this long curse ridden reign of heinous hog terror is over!🐷


Dimensional Phase Shifter Robs Convenience Store

The Powers That Be have betrayed themselves by removing the video this article is based on. Thankfully we have a partial gif capture placed above instead. You can still see the whole video on the Internet Archive here…

The video above captures a homeless man awakened by a hooded individual walking through the solid glass door, and window of a convenience store. We authenticated this video, and it appears the hooded man has some manner of dimensional phase-shifting powers. This ability allows a person to slightly alter the frequency vibrations of the energy strings within their body well beyond the sub-atomic level.  This power works through the Chakra’s that connect biological energy with the metaphysical. Somewhere in between lies physical non-biological energy strings that are the foundation of all matter in this reality. If their vibrating frequency is altered just slightly one can pass through all solid matter.

With practice, the quantum level alterations can be enough to phase into a Parallel Universe.  Clearly, the man in the video uses his power rather casually as his method of survival.  In this case, he grabbed one item to eat. He’s probably careful not to steal anything too large so the US Paranormal Defense Agency, or private paranormal organizations, don’t come after him. Of course, he might want to check for cameras when using his amazing ability. In addition, you’ll notice the flickering lights, and video which would be the norm as he would be giving off a lot of electromagnetic energy while using his special supernatural abilities.

If you spot this man report him to the nearest paranormal investigations organization or skilled practitioner of magic. He doesn’t appear dangerous but if faced with capture he could plausibly use his power to alter other people’s vibrational energy. His body is adapted for that but the average person could suffer catastrophic health issues including seizures, and heart attacks! One could also possibly find themselves permanently out of phase with our reality. In essence becoming a living ghost unable to survive since they can’t touch matter including food, and water. Another issue would be perpetually sinking into the Earth until you just ended up floating in the center forever! In rare cases, an attack could send someone into a parallel Universe or even an alternate dimension of potential hell!

Update: Patch Logo On Paranormal Robbers Clothing
Paranormal Patch
The logo appears to be from a relatively new paranormal group known as the Transatlantic Triads. Basically, a criminal gang of young people with supernatural powers actively recruiting on the US East Coast, Western Europe, and everywhere in between.  So far their thefts are petty but they’re looking to raise funds, and make a big name for themselves in the paranormal community. The only positive thing we can say is they serve themselves, and not demons, or other higher dimensional entities of evil!⚡️
