Why Logan McKay Came Home Early From His Mormon Mission?

There has been great speculation in Cyber-Space as to why Logan’s two-year Mormon mission to Argentina ended prematurely. After extensive investigations, we learned why he only spent two months there. It seems a gang of drug cartel punks were harassing some local women out enjoying a day of leisurely shopping. Logan had been nearby preaching the word of the Lord when he heard the screams for help. People in the vicinity seemed scared and refused to intervene. With no police in sight and the punks advances dangerously escalating, Logan had no choice but to spring into action.

He took down seven street thugs with extreme prejudice utilizing his Mormon martial arts techniques. Not to mention the sheer will that gave him super strength as well. When it was all over he knelt before the criminal scum who were writhing in pain and prayed to God for forgiveness. He then proceeded to collect the phone numbers of the grateful women.  Most of whom were quite hot.  Word got out to the drug cartel bosses about the exploits of El Logan. At this point, Logan and his family decided it was best to end his mission early.

This had nothing to do with him fearing the criminal syndicate since he indicated he wanted to take down the entire organization single-handedly.  It was simply the fact that it would have taken months of gorilla warfare to do so, and it would have distracted Logan from his mission.  There had been plans for his brother’s Shay, and Casey to fly down in order to assist in the war against the drug cartel.  However, his mother pleaded with him to let the authorities handle it.  Unfortunately, most of the upper echelon of local law enforcement are bought off by these powerful criminals.  We salute Logan and his exacting of righteous justice on the mean streets of South America!  

Now that Logan McKay Butler is back in Idaho he’s commenced his daily vlogs profiling the totally amazing adventures of his totally cool life!  You can find his Youtube Channel Here.