Is ClickWorker.Com A Scam Fraud Rip Off Operation?

We tried and never got paid for work done there! Supposedly you do small tasks and get paid pennies and maybe a few dollars. In particular, we did a task involving searching keywords in Google and then posting screen shots. This included going to a specific site as well. Presumably, the site owner wants to see search results from users around the world and have the added benefit of a site visit. We did two of these tasks for 20 and 25 cents. I guess that 45 cents was just too rich, even for their blue blood!

Despite following the instructions, wasting our time doing everything, and uploading the screenshots, our work was rejected. Naturally, they still get the benefit from it! We call this time theft, work theft, and perhaps blatant fraud! You decide? It probably would help if they’d say why your work was rejected? No, why should they need to bother!?! Either way, we can’t trust we would be paid for future work after this! We immediately deleted our account with the assumption that the $3 credit from other tasks would never be seen anyway! I wonder what excuse they would have pulled out of thin air?💩

Update: They now claim it was rejected because the URL wasn’t in the screenshot yet there was no mention of that requirement. They only said to take a screenshot. Our thought was to get the maximum amount of search results and their website so we used the F11 full screen setting. Silly us for thinking we were going that extra mile. Nah, who would think that? Why would the URL showing matter when it’s clearly their website? Hey, maybe we created a whole other website and duplicated search results just for laughs? It’s a convenient excuse they probably whip out for use when funds are running low and they don’t want to pay!

Imagine doing one of their tasks that involves going to a local store to photograph various products on the shelves for an hour. Then find out the lighting, angle, or whatever wasn’t of the picky perfection! They get the images to see what’s on the shelves, and you get nothing for your trouble! It’s a sweet setup for these jokers!🃏

The Websites That Didn’t Pay Us Through Click Worker

The Screen Shots of their website they requested!

Search Screen Shots They Requested!

Why bother? Nobody is searching for any of this silly BS!

🧐More Consumer Investigations…