The North Pole Winter Solstice Yule Ceremony

The Annual Winter Solstice Yule Ceremony is held at North Pole City to celebrate all things Winter. At this time, the largest number of visitors from around the world converge upon the Winter Wonderland. Most are from the secret supernatural community looking for a well-deserved respite after battling the forces of darkness throughout the year. Some are normal humans with no knowledge of the paranormal world. Despite this, The Spirit Of Christmas dwells deeply in their hearts and they believe in Santa Claus. For children, the belief is conscious while most adults will keep this belief at a subconscious level. The lucky humans are randomly chosen by Santa to spend the Christmas Season at North Pole City. This includes the Christmas Family as well. However, their conscious memory of the event is wiped in accordance with The Supernatural Secrecy Pact. Some average humans may appear in astral form while dreaming in their sleep. You may have been there in previous years without knowing it!

The sacred solstice ceremony takes place in Claus Forest at the exact hour of the Solstice. Santa Claus wears a light blue suit while followed by several polar animals under his zoopathic control. Although many are babies there are still large polar bears! At a holy altar, Saint Nicholas lit the first Yule log of the season ablaze as he focused the enchanted energy of The Christmas Spirit into his very angelic hands. Jack Frost, the Primordial Winter God, enters the scene wearing a white robe with light and dark blue snowflakes and icicles. Jack brings forth a snowfall he created from the first flakes of the season. Santa blesses it holy to signify his reverence for Winter and its role in Mother Nature.

Santa then presents Jack with a special small Christmas tree. Elf artisans fashion it from metaphysical matter which came from the solidified energy of The Spirit Of Christmas. Jack blesses it to signify his acceptance of Christmas into the Winter fold he’s presided over for millions of years! The Fall Goddess Autumna then materializes in a flurry of colorful leaves to declare the official end of Autumn. She wears a flowing red, orange, yellow, and violet gown lined with colorful glistening leaves. The Autumn Goddess hands Jack a magical torch of burning leaves which turns into a flurry of burning snowflakes. Simultaneously the fantasy foliage on the Goddesses dress turns brown and swirls around her as a dandy dust. It eventually materializes into swirling snow as she disappears smiling in a misty haze of frosty fog.

At that point, the God Frost declares that Winter has begun while pointing the burning snow torch toward the night skies full of stars and colorful Aurora! Not to mention the holy Christmas Star. The torch then shoots colorful streams of enchanted energy upward causing sparkling fantastical flakes of snow forth upon the spectators. Applause and cheers bellow forth from the crowd that includes other Winter Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Fairies, and Elves. Even Earth’s own Goddess Gaia has been known to make an appearance. A few minutes of silence occur to take in the serenity of the solemn moment while some light candles amid the falling flakes.🎄

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The Forest Of The Winter Gods

Afterward, everyone at the North Pole decorates the forest with Christmas lights and dandy decor amid gentle shimmering snows. The polar animals frolic among Elves and Santa’s Reindeer in a playful manner. Rudolph’s red nose causes a warm crimson glimmer on white snowy surfaces. Frosty The Snowman’s hearty laughter can be heard as sweet refreshments are served to the honored guests. A bright Yule Moon is projected into the skies if one isn’t already present. This is courtesy of the combined powers of all the winter deities mingling about.

It is one of the rare opportunities for visitors to literally walk among Gods and Goddesses!  Hours later everyone gets an opportunity to shake hands and speak with Santa, Jack, and other high-level guests as they exit the forest. Santa gives them a tiny wrapped gift that often has minor magical properties. The caring crowd then heads into the Ice Crystal Woods which are a series of sculptures Jack creates with his Cryokinetic powers. In the middle of the sparkling ice trees is Jack’s Ice Castle. A surreal soiree of a classy sort takes place further celebrating the sainted Solstice. This lasts for a few hours before most guests, including Santa Claus, leave.

On the way out of the epic castle, everyone gets a glittering white snowflake medallion handed to them by Snow Nymphs and Frost Fairies. The medallion has mystical properties and will make it lightly snow for a few minutes within several feet when thrown into the air! Even at the Equator! Many choose to save it when they’re outside North Pole City so they may experience the magic and relish the memory of the enchanted experience. Most head to their lovely lodging to enter a serene slumber ripe with delightful dreams and sugar plum fairies. Others of a more eccentric sort stay at Frost’s palace for a wilder party with a more adult tone to ring in the Winter season! Jack often loudly declares, “It’s time to really get this party started!”. If Santa is still there he looks back at Jack with his eyebrow arched in slight disapproval. This causes Jack to start laughing.❄️

😮Unfortunately, this longest night of the year brings us the diabolical Anti-Claus and his Dark Christmas Eve with December 22nd being his Darkest Christmas Day! Santa’s Demi-Demon twin brother delivers gifts to all the evil individuals on his Naughty List as a reward for their dark deeds. After Jack Frost’s party Santa will go to his Saint Nicholas church to pray for his brother’s salvation in the hopes that he will someday see the light and join him in Christmas harmony. Only afterward does Santa finally slide into sainted sleep.🎅

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