Santa’s Witness Protection Program

North Pole City is more than likely the safest place on Earth! Both cloaked and protected by powerful Enochian Angel magic spells, it provides a hallowed haven for those seeking supernatural refuge. Just as the human world has its own Witness Protection Programs to shield criminal informants from harm so too does the paranormal world. Those in the supernatural community who know of Santa Claus’s existence can request temporary or permanent citizenship within the shimmering glacial walls of the holy winter wonderland.

Often these people are simply on the run from overwhelming nefarious forces or need a place to stash their family and friends while combating various paranormal perplexities. Supernatural warriors need to be free to fight the good fight without worrying about their family being kidnapped as leverage. In some cases, Santa may send Security Elves to hide and protect people in other places around the world. Glamour Spells may even be employed to hide the persons appearance. Sometimes people are secretly protected without their knowledge as they know not of Santa or even the world of the supernatural. There are instances where these people are indeed informants against the forces of darkness. Santa Claus may deal with the informed threat directly or relay the data to a secret network of paranormal professionals around the world. This includes our tremendous team here at Mystic Investigations. Saint Nicholas is a man of peace but he will never stand by idly when innocents are under threat of harm!⚖️