In general, spotting a shooting star is a luck-transmitting event. The legend that Humans can make dreams come true by wishing upon a shooting star is true! However, the wish only works for the first person on Earth who spots a particular shooting star on any given night. It’s even said if someone happens to spot the actual first true shooting star of the night then they are granted Immortality, and eternal good luck along with said wish! To a lesser extent someone being the first to spot the first star to be visible in the sky is good for a wish as well. Naturally, what are the odds that the first person to spot various astronomical phenomena would actually wish upon it? So many wishes go unused and those who gain them keep it to themselves to stay off the potentially perilous paranormal radar!🤩
How Is The Shooting Star Wish Transmited?
When we say the first person to spot a shooting star or other celestial body we mean whoever receives the photons of light from the object before anyone else. The photons transmit supernatural information into your eyes which in turn relays it to the brain and the soul. Indeed the eyes are the windows to the soul. Even if one is blind they can still make a wish. Although they’d have to know they were in the presence of a shooting star. Your wish activates a paranormal program that sends forth a beacon to The Powers That Be to reprogram reality to accommodate your wish. Keep in mind if you see things through a digital camera screen or something similar then you’re only receiving the photons from the device and not the actual star. You’re wish will not work in that case.
Can You Really Wish Upon A Star?
The simple wishing upon the first star of the night is rumored to be something all sapient beings in our reality can acquire as it is thought to be a gift from the God of this particular Parallel Universe. That entity is plausibly a collective consciousness of humans, and every other sentient species that ever existed now ascended outside our 4-D Time as we know it! There is a lucky rarity to being the first to see starlight that took thousands or even millions of years to reach your eyes. A more obscure ancient legend states the first person to see the first glimmer of starlight from a previously unseen ultra-distant star will immediately ascend to higher dimensional Godhood status!
The Origin Of Wishing Upon A Shooting Star
The more famous shooting star wishes are known to specifically be a gift bestowed upon Humans by the soul of our Earth known as Goddess Gaia Mother Nature. A tribute to us upon our evolution from ape to human. The fragment of rock making its way through unimaginable distances of space and then somehow hitting our Earth is a lucky event. The friction of the meteor within our atmosphere created the lucky light that transmits the potential wish. In addition, being the first person to spot a planet in the sky can have mystical powers. Mars, the Roman God of War, grants revenge, and death wishes while Venus, the Goddess of Love, grants romantic wishes. It’s said that being the first to spot Earth in the sky on another planet could grant some manner of wonderful wishes. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely the first astronaut will do so. We know Neil Armstrong wasted his wish as the first man on the Moon. Of course, he had no idea such a thing existed.
Unused Wishing Stars Turn Into Gaia Crystals
Shooting stars, aka meteors, often contain higher dimensional metaphysical energies since they are used as paranormal power, and messaging mechanisms by various Gods, Goddesses, and other powerful beings. In some cases they are banished supernatural beings from higher or parallel dimensions. Especially amid meteor showers which may have the potential for humans to collect various paranormal powers! The actual first shooting star of the night isn’t a true meteor and is in fact a beacon of spiritual energy sprung forth by Goddess Gaia. If nobody accesses the energy for a wish then it lands somewhere and condenses into metaphysical matter in crystalline form. These fabled Gaia Crystals can be used by practitioners of magic in spells, and potions. An average person who finds one may be able to have a wish granted from it. These Gaia Crystals absorb back into the Earth within 7 days, and they mostly end up in desolate rural areas.
What Can You Wish For?
Goddess Gaia’s shooting star wishes can encompass anything she has the power to grant as a planetary Goddess to people who evolved on her body. The wishes can be as great as Immortality, super powers, and even ascension to a Godlike state of freedom! Wishing for widespread things like global peace, or a change in historical events, would merely send you to an Earth in a parallel Universe. Also be advised that the Goddess does not grant malicious wishes of darkness. If you attempt to wish something bad to befall on another then odds are it will end up happening to you instead! There are also limits to the wishes when it comes to affecting certain supernatural beings who are protected by higher powers. If you want all vampires to vanish then as mentioned before you will be sent to a parallel Earth where vampires were eradicated or never existed to begin with.
Make A Wish Every Time You See A Shooting Star?
Next time you look up and see the twinkle of the first star in the sky or spot a shooting star, it wouldn’t hurt to make a wish upon it. Odds are slim you’re the first one to see it but why not take a chance? Ancient myth also indicates that those making sincere selfless wishes grab the attention of Goddess Gaia, or some powerful being in tune with her, and the wish could be granted! There’s also the sheer belief of the human will. If someone really believes they spotted the first shooting star, and they truly believe their wish will come true then they may grant it themselves. Their sub-consciousness will access the awesome power of their higher dimensional Afterlife soul to make it come true! Unfortunately there are metaphysical mechanisms in place that prevent doing this consciously the vast majority of the time. We can’t have humans escaping this reality, and being truly free….well not until their death, aka Heavenly rebirth!💫
🌠 Also See List Of Annual Meteor Showers…